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  1. This is the stuff here
  2. I've been searching around for a way of doing good, durable edges for m dog collars, normal burnishing isn't cutting the mustard for me. I came across Coba Slick on eBay & wondered if its any good. Does anyone have any experience with this or any alternatives. Many thanks Dave
  3. Hi, Did anyone use the alternatives to Ritza? I'm looking to produce sewing similar to the heavy duty / western styles. Many thanks Dave
  4. @resqman 1lb bars?? Heavens no - could only find it in small bars here. @MMArmoury - thank you for your compliments! Dave
  5. I used barley on this one - it was all I could find to be honest!! It took almost 6 bars of beeswax!!
  6. After much hard work & inspiration from others on here. I decided to give it a go. Here's the result. Celtic dogs in a circle. Next one, I think I'll use a different leather & bolder carving. Dave
  7. Ok folks, just to clarify. The easiest way i could find to "measure" the thread was to lay it across a ruler. I did state WIDE & not diameter. The machine is running fine with this thread, especially after I got a new feed dog & plate. Unfortunately, as previously stated in other posts, trying to find a good leather machine that will handle strong thread here in the UK is a nightmare. Mostly they are all in the states or have been bought up by places such as India. If anyone has one to sell in the UK & not wanting silly money then please let me know. Dave P.S. apologies to both Wizcrafts & Trox if it sounds like I'm ungrateful - I'm not.
  8. Here's a quick update for you folks, Stripped the hook & needle plate down, found "the spacer" - actually a bunch of fine thread! Reassembled - still no joy. Took it apart again, had to file down the bobbin carrier locating post & smoothed off every rough/sharp edge I could find. Reassembled - still no luck! Took it apart again, this time also the tensioner - smoothed, cleaned every bit. Reassembled - getting angry now, no luck! Thought, it's a long shot, I'll try a different thread. Changed to invincible thread & it worked!! So, it appears that thicker, stronger threads work well, the thinner, softer Venus type thread is now in the bin! Strange thing is - I bought the machine from a tailor who was using standard clothing thread & it was performing well, just not for me!! Downside is - I've spent 4 days not making anything & now I still have to wait as I only have white thread available. Anyone know the gauges/ equivalents to invincible thread? It's about 0.9mm wide, roughly. Many thanks Dave
  9. Ok, Here's where we're at now (after 2 days on the damn thing!). Needles in ok. I've had hook/ bobbin carrier timed/retimed, on & off more times than I care to remember. After picking up bottom thread & getting ready to start sewing, the first couple of stitches go ok (occasionally drop 2nd) then it seems to go tight & you can hear top thread catching spool. As the top thread passes over the face of the bobbin carrier it's almost as if the 2 parts of the upper thread cross over each other when tight & cause each other to snap. Anyone know any reason that would cause this? I've also tried different thread & a range of different needles. Many thanks Dave
  10. Hi folks, I have a Juki dsc 245 walking foot machine, using 19,21 & 23 needles but its constantly happening, especially when I turn the power on. It's less of an occurrence when turning by hand. So far I've checked the timing, adjusted needle height but I have noticed that on the larger needles #23 the hook is catching the needle & deflecting it slightly, I can't get the hook to move back any further as its close to the case. Any suggestions? Been fighting with this most of the day now!! Dave
  11. Knock knock, let me in. Awww please!!!
  12. I get a similar thing from customers/browsers. They come along, pick up a pouch, open it & have a sniff the put it back down! Maybe I should charge for the usage.
  13. Thanks for the info Tor, I've just checked my plate & it's 5mm thick (hope I've got something in the garage!).
  14. Hi Tor, Thanks for the info & the photos. It looks like I have a plate for a right hand binder & someone has modified a feed dog to suit (isn't it great when you pick up someone else's modifications). Time to look through the garage, I'm sure I have some 3mm plate in there, will have to grind off the 'modification' to the feed dog. I really appreciate your assistance with this Tor, you have been a great help. Hopefully this info will be useful to someone else too. Many thanks Dave
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