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    Leathercrafts, Bookcrossing, DIY

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    Everything about leathercrafts

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  1. some more things i did the last months ...
  2. me too please :-) Thanks in advance.
  3. I don't know if it's already mentioned, but sheet protectors do also work fine, and are cheap. Vana
  4. Hey Gigi, at the moment i use the old leather, which is leftover. But some good shops are rickert-werkzeug.de (free shipping in Germany and super-fast delivery) and ledermacher.de. Maybe we will see us in september in Schlierbach/Austria? Rene Berends workshops are really great, he is an brilliant teacher! Vana
  5. Hello Dwight, thanks for your welcome Fortunately i have low costs in this hobby up to now. My father bought on his journey in the USA in the 70s so many tools for leathercrafts (he was interrested too), so i don't need to buy any hardware.. Even leather is leftover. Only i'm not sure about the old dye, but i'll try it. For my crafts above i used new one. Vana
  6. Hello Black Dog, do you know Waldenbuch near Stuttgart? I call my hometown "Ritter-Sport-Hausen" because of the chocolate. You're right, i've just noticed that every free time i'm thinking about patterns, dying an of course tooling. Now i'm looking forward to september when the next workshop is coming, subject will be my first bag. Until there i'll practise, practise, practise. Actually i'm tooling a belt for my father with the excersise pattern above. Pictures will follow. Vana
  7. ... my first belt ...
  8. Hey, i just want to say HELLO from Germany :-) I'm infectet by the leather-virus since september, when i had my first steps on leathertooling on a workshop by Rene Berends. Now i found this page and im really speechless with admiration. I know my english is not the best, but i hope it would become better bit by bit. Now here my first steps:
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