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Joanna Hamberg

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  1. dikman - Thank you, good point! I should have said that they all come with a servo motor vs clutch included in the price, (except maybe the Consew - not sure on that one), plus I have a fairly (only a month or two) new from my current machine one I can use if needed.
  2. Thanks for all the replies! What about the bobbin issue on the 1545? Anyone heard of or dealt with that? He said if you hit a seam or anything that caused the needle to jolt or hit hard it often caused the bobbin to jump up out of alignment. This regularly happens on my home singer and it is annoying. I don't know if the 206rb is a 3,4,5 or whatever. Do you know when they changed from silver to white? Would it make much of a difference? I'd like to spend less, and the 206 sounds like a good fit for me, but should I go for a new machine instead of a used machine? I'm a little wary of buying another used machine that may not be right. It is a consignment, so I don't know yet how that affects the service/support from the sewing co. Thanks for the input on the seiko too. I guess I'm no closer tho knowing which to go for. : P
  3. Hi all, I am getting ready to purchase a machine, and could use your expert advice. I have been to two different places, and received conflicting advice from each of them. The first is a place I have had my ancient (and frustrating) Consew 118 serviced, and they are very nice, but now that I want a new machine, I am having a hard time getting any guidance or advice from them. I sew bags out of canvas and light/medium weight leather, and want a machine that can handle the multiple layers that their construction requires, and also a single layer of each. The guy at this place recommended the Juki 1545 for $1785, though I haven't tried it out yet. Then I went to the second place, and he said that they had had too many customers of the 1545 that had been frustrated with the bobbin popping out of the basket, and that they were now made in China, (or something) and that he didn't recommend it at all. He recommended the Seiko STH-8BLD3, which are still mostly made in Japan, and are the company that used to make Consew machines. This one was $1275. He also had a used and serviced Consew 206rb, (not sure which number, but it was a white machine) made in Japan, for $700. Lastly, there is a nearby Pfaff 545 on craiglist that I can go look at. This last guy steered me away from that one as the repair/replacement pieces are much more expensive. I could use some advice making a decision here. Thanks!! Joanna
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