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  1. Thank you everybody!
  2. Has anyone made tooled wedges/high heels? If so do you take the shoe apart and make new straps all together or just glue the leather on the strap that is already on the shoe? I am looking to learn more about this process https://cowgirlmagazine.com/tooled-to-high-heel-heaven/ The link is just an example, not my work! Thank you!!
  3. I have contacted the manufacturer and apparently I am missing the hopping foot pressure.
  4. My knob looks a little different than that, it is a dnu 241h.
  5. Thank you!! So it's this part that needs to be let down?
  6. I have only been using the hand wheel when stitching so far. I have taken all thread off and re did it and tightened the tension spring. My loops are gone (yay!) but the knots are getting pulled through the leather. It sounds like a crunch when the needle is being lifted back out of the leather for each stitch. Would this come from the tension being too tight? I really appreciate yalls help! I have been messing with this thing for weeks trying to figure it out.
  7. I am using 138 thread with a #23 needle. I have checked my threading for the top side and bobbin loading against the picture Uwe posted. My thread guide is a little different though. It looks like it is skipping a stitch on the top as well.
  8. It is a DNU 241H. I have a manual but it is very basic, I have also watched numerous YouTube videos but what I am unsure of is what I need to with the thread tail that comes out of the casing after it has been loaded. I have pictures of the bottom side but will need to take some of the top.
  9. Hello! I am trying to figure out my Juki machine and my bottom stitch just isn't panning out. I'm 99 percent sure it's operator error and was hoping I could get some tips! I think it has something to do with my bobbin and how I am loading it Thank you!
  10. Thank you so much!
  11. Hello! I recently purchased a juke dnu 241h, I will be using it to sew up to two 7oz vegtan pieces together for projects. How do I know what size/type of needle and thread I need and where do y'all purchase it? I have a manual on for the machine but is there any other literature for it or about thread and needle sizes? Thank you in advance! Chelsie
  12. Hello, I am recently new to leather working, been at it about a year, and have started to look for a sewing machine. I am familiar with your standard machines for fabric and very light weight material but not with the leather machine. I usually do dog collars,belts, bags, halters, and similar items. I came across a juki dnu 241 for sale in my area and was wondering if this machine would be a good fit for my needs. Any help would be appreciated! thank you!! chelsie
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