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Everything posted by Inish89

  1. If you become interested in selling any of this separately, would you please let me kkkw? Thank you
  2. I’m still interested in this, depending on price. Thank you.
  3. I would love some information as well. mom still learning, and any and all “scrap” is well and truly sad and appreciated!
  4. I’m not sure, either. I just got into leather work as a full hobby. I would love to get a box from you, but I’m not sure how much to offer. Or how much it would be to ship it to me. (And I apologize for the delay in replying. For some reason, it didn’t notify me.)
  5. I’m not sure what kind of leather this is. Would you happen to have pictures? How much are you selling them for?
  6. I'm interested!
  7. I'm interested in three sides. I would like a black, but honestly, just which three would be cheapest. (Since now with this bloody pandemic I can't get out and need a good leather fix!)
  8. I'm going to do more beveling. I've just been a little head-shy about it; worried that I'll mess it up. I would love to dye it, but all I have at the moment is black. The local (-ish) store doesn't have anything else, so I'll have to order it off-line. I'm actually in Middle Georgia, half-way between Atlanta and Macon.
  9. It actually fits me as a bracer.
  10. I'm Tiffany from Georgia. I'm new to leather working, and am interested in gaining more knowledge. I eventually wish to get a leather sewing machine, but I'm trying to learn tooling now. Here is my first piece, ugly as it is; at least it's a first step. I'm definitely going to be on the look-out for how-to books and scrap leather and pieces that I can practice on.
  11. Inish89

    leather scrap

    I'm interested in any larger pieces that you have as well.
  12. Inish89

    H.o. , W/c

    I'm interested! Most definitely!
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