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  1. I have one and I love her! She's about 3 years old. I also have her older, smaller Baby (Cow)Boy! I love them both. Can I ask you/anyone who reads this: what's Big CowBoy 4500's Bobbin Class, anyway, and btw why can't I find it? (I came here to search after a surprisingly unfruitful google search. I want/need more bobbin cases as I am enlarging my thread color and size choices! (I guess I could just call Bob and order them since I bought them from him?)
  2. I just went and got my notes from last night and Pfaff 335 was the only one I wrote down when I started looking on YouTube. I'll start with those videos and report back. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I’m a longtime reader and member and now a first time poster. I’m nervous that I’ll do something wrong. I mean no disrespect, so let me know if I do. I have tried, but I still can’t figure out how to make adjustments to/raise my Cowboy-335’s lower feed dogs. I bought my Cowboy four years ago at the spot in Toledo and yes, I have recently tried to call them and I know they even have a history of posting here but I haven’t talked to them and it’s a 2 hour drive to go there. 2 weeks ago I had my first problem with my Cowboy. Maybe I was sewing through too much leather. Between then and today I have learned a lot about my machine! Maybe I turned something simple into something complicated.That’s o.k., though, because I need to know how to be my own mechanical engineer if I want a smooth machine or 2. I have googled. I have perused this website. I have printed and read through a lot, including the Navy Airmen chapters, and more. Today I went to YouTube and saved some videos. Before I start looking through them, I decided to reach out here. If anybody is familiar with my machine and/or if anybody could link me to specifically useful online print or video sources it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
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