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Posts posted by Schiehallion13

  1. Hi


    Thanks for getting back to me about Ivan Leather. The postage is indeed quite expensive, but I cannot understand why they never replied, or why you cant actually take an order to the payment stage on their website.


    Kind regards



  2. On 1/27/2016 at 9:22 PM, Possumbreath said:

    I am attaching a jpeg of a 1921carrier satchel design that I obtained from the Post Office historian in DC. I realize that a pattern has already been made, but I hope there is still some benefit to providing this drawing. I have a much larger file (1.95 MB) should anyone want a higher resolution.

    I am researching vintage patterns from some of the defunct manufacturers of the carrier satchel and if I am successful, I will post them as well. This is my first post to the forum, hopefully I posting this in the right location. I am new to leatherwork and hope to learn hand stitching and some day make this bag. I live in Northern Vermont.

    Nice to meet you all.



    Hi John


    I would love to see a higher resolution version of that plan.





  3. Hi

    i have twice now, tried to place an order with Ivan Leather who I think are in China. twice I got an auto response of acknowledgement, and then nothing.

    There were no prices on the site, so I expected an email telling me the total cost of my order including postage to the UK, but I got nothing. I had created an account with them.

    Has anyone done successful business with them and can advise me?



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