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Everything posted by gwitsil

  1. pakage only!
  2. ive got a solid peice. just under4sq. ft import tag attached. can not ship to ca.! 110.00$ shipped usa paypal only witsil leathers email memfor more info unable to load photo pm me
  3. 5 dummy gun package 120.00$ 5inch1911,5inch railed1911, springfeild xd model2 45cal. , sig 228, seacamp 32 cal usa shipping included paypal only will not split package witsil leathers unable to load pictures all dummys are blue guns except seacamp
  4. I would like some direction on a good selection of quality sharkskins, also is beavertail accessable? g witsil
  5. anything left? im interested in 2 or 3. can paypal! witsilleathers@gmail. or pm me
  6. I,ll send asap if other deal falls through!!pay pal george witsil leathers
  7. nice!! theres ohio bag and travel here in usa. check them out for hardware. witsil leathers!
  8. ive got a springfeild xd .45 compact, and a ruger lc9 with lazer for sale r trade. asking 25.00each will ship for free if bought together. or consider trade for a used head knife. witsil58@gmail.com
  9. I'm looking for a custom head knife. to anypne that might know a knbife smith. damascis considered. I will mount hanble material. MUST HOLD AN EDGE. please email me! witsil58@gmail.com will be buying first of year. witsil58@gmail.com thanks witsil leathers.
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