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Everything posted by drewberto87

  1. That’s interesting. I was just looking for something to line the inside of my holster with that isn’t just the smooth side of veg tan.
  2. Awesome thanks for sharing your experience
  3. Is suede or any chrome tanned leather bad for lining gun holsters. I am making a holster for my M&P 9 and my glock 43. My seen a YouTube video that said not to use chrome tan due to how it reacts with the finish of the gun. Is there any truth in this? If so what does everyone line there’s with?
  4. So I have never looked into fire resistant thread. But traditionally you wear the strap underneath your bunker gear. This protects its from direct heat and water plus other harms. Also helps keep carcinogens off leather also. My strap has been through probably 10 to 12 fires and never had a problem. Our radios hold up well. I think they are rated for 500 to 600 degrees and the collar mics are usually first to fail. I have personally never had this happen.
  5. I want to be like you when I grow up!!!! Outstanding work
  6. drewberto87

    Calendar cover

    I made this cover for a calendar I carry around. It’s Fenrir from Viking mythology.
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