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Everything posted by Tinbender

  1. Hi everyone, If you are interested in "new old stock" Osborne punches, try Red Dot Tool Co. in San Antonio, Tx.. I work down the street from the business and the owner is super cool. He buys huge lots of tools and goes through them and lists them on eBay. I have a whole set of punches from him and quite a few of specialty type tools. I have never had an issue with any of them. The majority of the punches he has still have the factory wax dip on the cutting edge. Here is a link to his eBay store.http://stores.ebay.com/reddottool/Punch-Chisel-/_i.html?_fsub=5343489016&_sid=1146501856&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322 Don't be afraid to ask for a specific size, I know he has more than whats listed. He even has some over 1".... Hope this helps some of ya'll, Ben
  2. Thanks for the advice. It seems that as Michelle said, hitting the exact same hole was the issue.
  3. This room is within a 30x40 shop, the machine is just out of view and that other chair stays, it's for my little girl. Thanks for the input.
  4. Some other views.
  5. I have been using every free moment I have building a room to do my leather work in. My wife was tired of my cb4500 sitting in the dining room. I recently built a 30'x40' shop to house all of my other projects, so I decided i needed a nice place with a/c. (South Texas MUST) I thought I would post a few pics and maybe get some more ideas on what else might be seen in a "good" shop. I inset a 3" thick marble headstone in my tooling bench so i didnt have such an uneven obstacle. I also inset some, what I'm calling medicine cabinets, in the wall to keep various items close at hand. Last thing that i think is cool is a stainless steel counter (I am a tig welder by trade) to do all of my staining and what not. Let me know what yall think. Any suggestions are welcome!
  6. Hey everyone, just looking for some tips to help on doing a backstitch. I am have an issue of the previous stitching getting frayed after I stitch back. I just put a fresh, well inspected, Organ needle in so I am pretty sure its not a burr on my needles. It happens with adhesive or without. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. Looks great! I really like how sharp the corners are from the flat of the holster to the block portion for the pistol.
  8. Not very often. This order was orignally going to just be one, and then three more customers jumped once the saw the first. I have since had a request for a matching "back draw" from one of these customers.
  9. I would say that the most important thing to do is to make sure that tou have "slicked" the leather before you tool. Get your leather wet for casing, and immediately rub the leather with a hardwood rubbing stick or glass slicker. And then make sure you are getting a good deep impression while your leather is cased properly. Try to take the stretch out before you try ro form it, it will make a better looking product. Thanks for the compliment and i hope this helps.
  10. I am having a blast filling orders for custom holsters! I am going on a blue gun buying rampage. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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