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    Leather tools & materials supply

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  1. Hi leathercrafters, We are Atelier Amy Roke based in China and we supply Stahl heatable edge paint currently. (Which is using by a top luxury brand from France) We got the exclusive distribution last year and we would like to provide any help for people who are interested in it. Stahl heatable edge paint is different from traditional edge paint which has better attachment to leather edge and almost do not crack in the life time. Please kindly contact us through email atelieramyroke@hotmail.com The performance of this heatable edge paint is attached. It is done by Japanese leathercrafter Leather_Go. Regards, AAR
  2. Hi, You need to use computer to view the website. =)
  3. Hi guys, This is Atelier Amy Roke. I found this post and saw that people are looking for Stahl heatable edge paint using by Hermes. We just got the sole distribution on this product and would like to provide service to you guys. We have 200ml package in Black, Dark Brown, Grey, Red, Blue,Yellow and White. All color is mixable. If you guys decided to purchase more than 5kg at once, the postage fee will be cheaper. You can view our website www.atelieramyroke.com for more information! Or please feel free to contact us by atelieramyroke@hotmail.com Many thanks and look to hear from you soon. =) Best regards, AAR
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