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About Kowboyboots

  • Birthday 11/13/1957

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  • Location
    Walla Walla, WA

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Laser Engraved
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    SASS Wire

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  1. I have a real nice Fur Machine all set up with motor ready to go. Please pm me at kowboyboots @ bmi.net for more info. Sure would like to get rid of it. Make offer and pickup only.
  2. Very cool
  3. Osann Fur sewing machine. Newer clutch motor a Tuffy V from Consew. New belt and needles. A little dusty but a clean machine ready to go. Make offer, no shipping can be picked up in Walla Walla.
  4. Been outside all day, wow what a nice day. I will get more detail in the morning. The pink nubuck & the green are the heavy 5-7 oz. Average size is 33-26 and on those $4 sq ft. The pictures enlarged for me.
  5. I have several hide for sale I happen upon recently. There is purple, pink, green & browns in heavy chap leather. Some Nubuck & Patent leather also. Have black aprox 1.5 oz roo splits, really nice. there are some goat hides in there somewhere. I have posted a picture of all of it together. If anything interest you I can take better pictures. Heavy hides $4 sq ft, lighter $3 sq ft, the roo $40 hide, goat is $30. I am going to keep the ostrich embossed ones so don't even ask, LOL. Located in Walla Walla. Also have a lot of Tandy lace, kits, books and who knows what else. No stamps though. Thanks Kathy
  6. You only need a 30 watt to cut leather, about $10,000 for a nice one from Universal Laser
  7. Thank you Bruce, thats what I thought but thought I would ask. Kathy
  8. Just trying to decide how to best attach a leather round to the plastic rope cans. What do you think? Thanks KAthy
  9. I use the same box for SASS shoots for an award for clean shoot & put a bullet in the little window. They love them.
  10. I totally agree John, nothing is more beautiful then tooling. There is heart & soul in every piece of leather carving & tooling. Lasering is just another medium that brings cool detail and something different. My late husband bought the 2nd ULS system they sold, Beta model II, that was nearly 20 yrs ago. He got it to do fret work on the guitars he made. But you know after you have played with lasering everything in the house, even the mouse traps sooner or later you look for something new, LOL. When I meet him I started the leather engraving but mostly I use hair on because thats what I enjoy. When they made the first lasers they were not refillable, so one Christmas right in middle of the rush days mine ran out of CO2. Thank goodness the rep here in Washington has his demo for sale & I was only down 2 days. I don't use mine every day but I can't imagine life with out it. I use it to cut very detailed signs, cad cut for printing t-shirts & hats, etching, burning, cutting things out, make filigree business cards....Its just endless the fun things you can do with it. But there is no soul in the work, its computerized. There is heart in my work though.
  11. That's all I use is a laser. Kowboyboots click any where on page to go to web shots. I mostly work in hair on but there are plenty of samples of other leathers too. Randy Sever of Sever Bros is using a laser on some of his trophy saddles, FYI. If any one needs custom work I don't charge a set an $5-$10 on most projects. Something like coasters I charge 50 cents to $1 depends on the size of the logo. I have an advantage most don't have. Everything I have is paid for so I don't have to make a lot of money.. My joy comes from happy customers not the money any more. You talk about scared putting things in the laser, I had a very expensive leather jacket someone wanted a design on the back of. We pulled it off but was pretty stressful. Lately I have been burning sweatshirts with the designs, like burnout velvet. Looks really neat.
  12. Yes still have it an I think it would, my husband sewed belts with it.
  13. Singer Sewing Machine Model 16-88 it is Motorized, motor date say 1909. OK, here is what I know about this machine. It belonged to my late husband, I will try to tell you what I observed about it. It is a commercial canvas leather machine. I believe a different sewing table top has been put on over the original base. I have plugged it in, the motor sound good an probably worth the starting bid alone, but belts are not hooked up so I do not know if it runs properly. There are lots of bobbins, bobbin cases, and things I have no idea what they are, may not even belong to this machine. I too make my living with leather craft but I use a different machine. Its time this one goes to some one that can appreciate & understand this wonderful machine. It needs cleaned, has been in storage more years then I care to remember. i really don't want to ship it, but its free for the taking. Located in Walla Walla, WA
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