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Everything posted by OmnipotentOtter

  1. The learning continues. Thanks for correcting me on that before I ruined holster #2; I'll make sure I get the right tool for the job. I really do appreciate everyone's willingness to help a newbie like me out - this is really a fantastic community and I'm very glad I found it!
  2. Thanks for the feedback and advice guys! This was my first go with Edge Kote and think it did a decent job of at least imparting some consistency in the color for the edges. I do have a set of punches that I can next time, they are "pin punches" but likely will work for this. I didn't use them on this project because I was lazy - they were buried in the garage. But I've dug them out now and should be able to just use a couple of 2x4s to support the leather but not the impending hole. I was also a little worried about whether the punches would tear the leather or somehow mar it - but in reality using the standard drill bits really did that more than a punch will (I think). The dye job is another "opportunity for improvement" next time - it definitely would have been better to dye all of it before stitching on the reinforcement panel - but that's assuming I would have thought that far in advance. This has (and continues to be) a learning experience!
  3. Just wanted to say thanks for making these patterns and instructions available. I just finished my first attempt at a holster (1911 Avenger style) and while it doesn't hold a candle to the items you guys are putting out I'm actually pretty happy with it given my total lack of experience. I tried to attach a pic but can't get the file size right, so if you want a laugh at how a total newbie does things here's the whole process that I went though to make it (including final product pic): Would certainly welcome any feedback/advice/critiques - I learned a ton on this first go round but obviously still have a long way to go! Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!
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