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About SoTX

  • Birthday 06/19/1963

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  1. Thank you
  2. SoTX


    !/16" rawhide 12 bight with gaucho interweave. Getting better at this. Practice, practice, practice.
  3. Where can I get 3/32 and 1/8" unbleached rawhide lace? U-Braid-It has 1/16" only and the google machine is not helping. It seems Bill Confer has/had the best but no luck finding where to purchase. Any help greatly appreciated
  4. SoTX


    Getting better, practice, practice, practice......did this one in roo hide
  5. SoTX


    A wild rag or bandanna or neckerchief
  6. SoTX


  7. SoTX


    Hey just found this forum and have been searching for info. Great forum by the way from what I have read so far. I took up braiding leather about three weeks ago and I am obsessed with making scarf slides. It started out when I decided to make a simple woggle for myself. Then a buddy saw it and wanted one, then another buddy showed me one he bought that was a herring bone weave and I was like, I have to try this. So fast forward three weeks (see picture) and this is where I am at. The leather I am using is shoelace leather basically. As you can see my two slides on the right the pineapple weave and the herring bone weaved slides look pretty rough. Lust seems like the laces are too thick for this application. I ordered the book How to Make Cowboy Horse Gear by Bruce Grant and I expect it to arrive at the end of the week. So in the mean time can you guys help me out here? what type, width, thickness of leather do you use? Or anything actually explaining "how to" make nice slides.
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