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About escherblacksmith

  • Birthday 07/01/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Twin Cities, MN

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    working mainly on renaissance gear - - maybe western as well
  • Interested in learning about
    carving and decoration
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    random google about patterns

escherblacksmith's Achievements

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New Member (1/4)

  1. I have read most of the posts, but this machine hasn't come up. Does anyone have one and does it work for light duty leather, given it is an older machine with minimal sewing needle variety available. I am not planning on doing any sort of industrial processing and I will not be trying to sew through tooling leather or the like. thanks!
  2. minor point, virtually all screens (little video screens, etc), are affected and tweaked by localized magnetic fields. Having one sitting right in front of the screen of the I-Pod could cause a rainbow distortion effect over the screen, centering on the magnetic field source. My older I-Pod has a slight one caused by the internal harddrive. It is usually temporary . . . The case is quite gorgeous!
  3. I use a reed knife I acquired from my wife when she got a new one. Just keep it sharp.
  4. Right, well, I operate out of Minnesota making my living as a bit-herder for a large international banking concern. My interests are varied, but lately I have been working on making interesting/good-looking stuff instead of my usual duct tape engineering sort of work. Both in Blacksmithing and leatherwork. I work for friends at a renaissance festival and enjoy wearing kilts with moderate frequency. I guess that is it, thanks!
  5. bending that kind of wire isn't particularly difficult, or are you looking at it from a production standpoint? I haven't used this one, but I have used similar. Dick Blick Wire Bender I am actually working on making a buckle to replace my wired kind . . . cuz I just don't like them very much.
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