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About Wickedjester00

  • Birthday 08/23/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairmont, wv
  • Interests
    leather interest:
    learning about leather working to include but not limited to sewing, tooling, pattern design, template design, and general construction of leather items.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None As of yet
  • Interested in learning about
    all that i can
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. yeah its actually a lovely area and the bars in motown are a hell of a lot of fun especially when the college kids are around
  2. Yeah @strathmoredesigns im holding off for now... But, if no one out bids me i might end up owning a singer redeye for 99cents anyway. It only has 43 hours left on the auction table and has a cut foot peddle. When i put the bid in i figured that is a easy fix why not if i can use it well i was wrong lol. Hell if by luck i win it i will just clean it up resale it or just keep it to practice on before i get one that will work with leather.
  3. Well I am a patient man. thats why I think for now I'm gonna just keep hand sewing and use the 200$ I would have spent and buy supplies to build my workshop. But I will keep a eye on CL thanks for the advice on prices from your area
  4. Not much for upholstery shops out in the boonies of WV lol but yeah after reading that pinned post of yours for the 4th time I'm starting to get more of the picture Idk how I glanced over the buyer beware for eBay false advertising part Oh btw happy birthday what it's in 6 days (noticed that on there also )
  5. im re reading that post for maybe the 4th time seeing if it makes any more sense to me it kind of dose but not really lol but thanks for the suggestion i will look into it and cant watch the vid while im at work (stupid company blocked youtube those bastards) but i will check it out later when i get home
  6. thanks for the info while i would love to get a 1000$ machine thats a bit to far from my price range especially when i'm just starting out. I was just hoping one of those models would work for the mean time. Maybe it's a good thing that i didnt win the bed on the 15-91 that i had on ebay (almost had it at 100$ till someone bid it up to 152$ at the last 5 mins) .... i might just stick to hand sewing for awhile if it take 1000$ to get a machine worth it. I actually looked at the pics you have on your profile while reading over your pinned post and saw you had a redeye, even if they are not great for leather working they do look great right I have looked at Wizcraft's post you talked about... but im not the brightest crown in the box and im finding alot of this sewing machine stuff hard to understand i havent touched one since my grandmother passed away about 12ish years ago. when i was in the Marines if i needed something sewed i just took it to the shop if my cammies or something ripped i just patched them by hand. The machine in that pic is massive! I dont even think that thing would fit in the room i have set aside for a work shop, dang that thing looks serious.
  7. New to leather working and also new to sewing oh by the way first post on here yay me Ok so complete noob here and decided hey why not get into leather working on a whim. loving it so far. But i want to buy a sewing machine and not sure what route to go. I want to be a cheap bastard and at the same time i want to get a machine that will last me. So to ebay i went and i fell in love with the old singers, the style and durability just amaze me for some of these machines to be 100 years old and still working wow. But whats the best model to get the 15-91, the 66 or any of the many others. I am trying to stay under 200$ right now, also i want to find something with a nice style I'm working on building my leather workshop and i want a machine that if people look in the shop they will "go wow thats beautiful" ( work shop is gonna be right next to my dinning room). Looking over other pages like this i notice everyone always ask what will the machine be used for Right now i have a few request from family and friends for wallets, handbags, sporrans (i designed my own pattern i'm quite happy about that), i also want to do a duster a aussie hat oh i even have a request for a bike seat but i told that one give me time to get better. Eventually i do want to try holsters and even maybe shoes but i know that will take a much stronger machine. for now lets just say K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) and say this machine will be mostly wallets and bags also practice ranges of leather i have on hand right now are mostly from Springfield leather i will include links to all i have with this list Ugly leather bundle that ranges in 4-6oz leather http://springfieldleather.com/Bundle-Ugly-Leather-50-ft Remnants (7oz and up) (2-6oz) these are mostly just for tooling practice maybe the smaller oz learther will be for wallets http://springfieldleather.com/2lbs-Lightweight-Veg-Tan-Scrap http://springfieldleather.com/2lbs-Heavyweight-Veg-Tan-Scrap Bison side 3-5oz and 6-8oz http://springfieldleather.com/Bison-Sides-Tobacco-8-10-oz. http://springfieldleather.com/Bison-Sides-Chocolate-8-10-oz. Suede http://springfieldleather.com/Chinese-Dragon-Suede-Metallic also have some random 3-4oz veg tan from ebay the thicker stuff i know will be harder to sew no worries there i have plenty of time to hand sew at 1 of my jobs. Thank you all, yes i know there are probably 100 threads (lol) that are asking for the same info, and yes i have been using the search feature to read all i can on the topic. Its just so much info to take in all at once and i'm easy to confuse I just read something cool about the 15-91 then read on the 66 then the model 7s and wait was that bit about the 15 or the 66 and this or that and crap lost my place... thats how it ends up going for me lol.
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