i recently purchased an American Straight Stitcher that was being used in a saddle shop but had set for a couple years after the maker retired. Got the 500 lb. behemoth in the shop and hand turned it with beautiful stitches. Ordered new needles, awls, leather belting, thread wax, owners/parts Manual, etc. In the meantime, I went through and cleaned the grime and dust off and lubed every port. Occasionally through this I would fire up the Landis motor and run it without needle or awl to disperse all the lube. I found out during this that the clutch was slipping but the discs looked fine but glazed so I wound up giving those a good cleaning with brake cleaner. That helped tremendously.
Soooo.... I got the needles and awls in, set them in correctly with the tolerances noted in the manual, and threaded it. Also I had made a flat plate for it out of 1/4" 6061 aluminum. I hand turned several stitches and then turned the motor on. I got to about 2-3 feet of stitching admiring all my handy work and then BAM!
I found that the loop opener for the thread had worked loose and inched out into the bobbin case area. This caused it to lock up and when it did it broke the cast arm where the needle block rides in/on.
If there is anyone out there with a parts supply or a donor machine I would appreciate it. I have the part numbers available that I would need. My thoughts are to get this up and running to use on the heavier cowboy holsters/belts/sheaths/bags,etc.
im in the process of contacting Campbell Randall here in Texas to see if they would have a source for it.
Thanks in advance for your help!