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Everything posted by MRknives

  1. Thank you so much friends. Appreciate the encouragement!
  2. Thank you all for the kind words. The handle material is a metallic octagon cast in yellow resin likely a 2 part resin that’s most likely an alumilite product. I purchased the the resin block to then work from. Have played with Alumilite in the past hence the educated guess. Thank you. The brown spacer portion is the side of a piece of vintage micarta. Guessing Westinghouse but hard to tell
  3. Received the pics back this week of one I had a fun time making (both knife and sheath) combo and using a little darker dye around the edge of some drum dyed leather for the sheath. I probably should have run it along the top edge as well. Beginning two others with slight variations now.
  4. It appears to be a double layered sheaths and just the one loop it’s sewn back to itself. I do believe that would hold well enough
  5. Thank you! I use Damascus Billets and grind and heat treat my own work. I'm between Sugarland and Houston.
  6. Picked up leather working as a little hobby about a year ago after a decade of knife making. Paul Long has been a great encourager and I'm enjoying exploring some new projects.
  7. Great video and very helpful! The only part I would disagree with after reading much research including Jurach's books on sharpening, would be to use a new stone and never use water or oil for lubrication. Lubrication retains metal filings creating gouges in the edge of your blade slowly destroying your edge (picture something more like a serrated edge being created with lubrication containing microscopic metal filings) I wrote a short blog article summary if interested @ http://www.mrknives.com/blog/2013/09/24/Knife-Sharpenning-Creating-a-Fine-Edge.aspx
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