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About garym

  • Birthday 06/27/1957

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    carving and embossing

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  1. garym


    Have not been on the site for a while. I guess you no longer need to log into the site. Any way just want to show my latest work, a Patter from Jim Lennell, the cover of Tandy Magazine I do believe from 2005
  2. Does anyone have any patterns for harnesses for a Dog. I have an Austrailian Cattle dog and want to make him a harness, he is around 45 to 50 pounds
  3. garym

    Latest Work

    Maybe i should send the on that is upright
  4. Wanting to do this since i met Jim Lenell in 2005
  5. My concerns were the weather and bugs and such when I was asked to do this piece. I really did not want to do it at first but he insisted. As far as the mounting, the uper and lower sections were skived very thin to allow to go under the windshield trim and the headlight mount. the main piece it not glued it is just mounted at the top and bottom. we glued felt to the bak so it would not scratch the farring. After it was installed we took the bike out and I was watching the piece to see if the wind would be a concern. It does not move at all. It was all hand painted with Acrylics except the backround was done with Fiebings Black. As far as the finish, it was spray with Neat Lac. After a couple weeks of wear we heated up Snow Proof and this was applied as well. The Cheeks, eybrows , nose and mouth were very heavily embossed using marbles. hope I answered all questions. this was a very interesting project. I got allot of thumbs up at the Roar to The Shore in Wildwood N.J. a few weeks ago. And allot of folks just starring at it and saying "WOW" !! that is amazing
  6. this was drawn by a close friend, and he wanted this tooled and embossed on his Harley Street Glide farring. Many hous spent on this project. You will notice the lower feathers are not cut and lifted due to the way the air will hit the bike. All others were cut and lifted. The face was heavily embossed
  7. Thanks for all the cooments folks. Only one side is tooled. It is the Cassi sold at Tandy Leather Factory. Tooling patterns come with it
  8. The Misses was in need of a new Bag. I have been doing allot of embossing and messing with some bike stuff, So I took some time out and did some carving for her.
  9. Thanks Dave. The Indian and Feathers were first coated with blockout then colored. Then the whole seat was done wit X1 Dressing. Which is now discontinued, why I do not know I like it very much. Then the next day is was coated with Snow proof to help with waterproofing.
  10. Here is a Tank logo I made for a Harley Street glide (FLHX). As you can see he likes Eagle feathers
  11. Well here is my first jump into the Bike seats. Made this for a friend to display and hopefully get me some orders. Speaking on price. Beeza and David. Would like to discuss with you guys about what you are charging. I did this one for a friend and he paid for the leather and the lace. The rest was free so I could get my name out there. If you guys would like to talk off line please email me, or call at 610-995-5121 , 610-850-1691. Anyway is was a fun project and not to difficult just time consuming with the lace. So please let me know what you think. thanks everyone. and please check out my site at leatherming.com
  12. justwaking up, The piece goes under the Bracket that holds the backrest on. Punched holes in leather and the two bottom srews go through the leather
  13. Thanks for tne comments guys. as far as it getting dirty, if it gets to bad I'll just make another one. That's the best part of being the person who made it. I only ride in good weather but I am sure it will get a little dirty. we shall see....Thanks Again
  14. Well I bought a new toy in August and figured it needs some custome leatherwork on it. I attached some before and after pictures. The Bike is a 2008 Harley Street GLide. Still working on my first seat, but here is a new twist. Let me know what you think
  15. Beza, Nice work. Are you using all roo lace for these projects? I was looking around the net and this stuff is very high dollor. I am starting a bike seat for a friend. I guess you have to charge extra when using this lace. Are you using 1/4 inch lace, I see it is like over 100.00 for a 50 m spool. Have you cut your own from a hide yet? Gary
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