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About jnsloth

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Bend, Oregon
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, gardening

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    belts, book & journal covers, watchbands
  • Interested in learning about
    staining, finishing leather projects
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    internet search

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  1. Thanks to all for responding. Some very good suggestions. I really appreciate Hags sending me a template which I plan to use. I think I'm going to purchase a mold, use it to shape the leather and then offer if for sale as has been suggested. I would go the "make your own with wood" route but I don't have the woodworking tools for that.
  2. My son has asked me to make a chest holster for his Springfield Armory XDM 10mm pistol with 4.5" barrel. I have made holsters before but have always had the pistol available so that I could wet the leather and mold it around the shape of the pistol. I don't have access to this particular pistol (son lives in Montana and I'm in Oregon) and I can't seem to find a similar size pistol or a template to use. Anyone have any suggestions about how to proceed?
  3. I figured out how to downsize. Below is photo of work I would like to "age Suggestions?
  4. I just finished tooling a landscape scene. I've applied saddle tan stain and acrylic paint on parts of it and don 't like the way it turned out. For one thing, it's way too bright. I would like it to look "aged" and perhaps a little weather beaten. I realize I should have done this earlier but I guess this is how one learns. I tried to attach photo but it's "too big" and I don't know how to make it smaller. Thanks for any tips.
  5. Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I skidded the optional oil part first because of Arturo's comments. Otherwise worked well. I intend to experiment using oil before acrylic but haven't gotten around to it yet.
  6. Thanks. Also wondering. I have been been doing some projects where I both dye, antique and use acrylic leather paint on part of the tooled area. I tried doing painting first then adding several coats of resist (super shene) and then dye but the dye changes the color of the paint. So, I'm going to try dye, resist, antique, resist, paint and then finish. Is that the correct order or should I be doing it some other way?
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