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    Reading Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Garment leather construction, couture design, bespoke lingerie, fetishwear

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    Bespoke women’s fashion
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    Friend Don Dobson

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  1. besides the original engineers manual I got for the juke had no images
  2. I wanted those people who have the Thor GC 1341 to have a specific manual for themselves as the novice wont understand the differences. It is not a complete clone and I have discovered MANY tricks and details that have made my work go so much easier. I have included updated schematics, photos and videos.
  3. I have a THOR GS1341, LOVE it but cannot get timing set for some reason. any tips or anything I can try? I am rewriting the manual as there are MANY errors etc.
  4. By any chance does anyone have a have a two or 3 ton arbor press that you no longer need or use. Willing to pay fair market value An arbor press is a small hand-operated press. It is typically used to perform smaller jobs, such as staking, riveting, installing, configuring and removing bearings and other press fit work. Punches, inserters, or other tools/dies may be added to the end of the ram depending on the desired task. ALSO LOOKING FOR 2 6 by 6 inch 1/2 “ steel plates and 2 polymer plates also strong magnets
  5. how do I stop a motorcycle toolbag from flattening when riding? Line it with plastic? I want it to retain its shape
  6. machine at repair shop, got most of the parts on ebay. its a 1902 so therein lies the issue. the ONLY part from me using the baby
  7. Desperately need part 33512 the gear for between arms in cylinder....plate 1047 Pinion w/ 2 238D thanks
  8. if you sell it for parts I am desperately looking for a Singer 29-4 part # 33512 [Plate 1047] it is gear/pinion that controls the two areas in the cylinder. the one place I saw that had it Horse n' Harness 330-277-6827 jannaomi@cboss.com email bounced, no answer on phone, and shopping cart dead.
  9. The part is actually the gear that controls the two arms on the cylinder, not sure if I need the whole kit that Horse n' Harness 330-277-6827 jannaomi@cboss.com offered, but their email is bouncing, no answer by phone and shopping cart online not working.
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