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Everything posted by MBWilson8541

  1. Late message and made a mistake 110w/125 with feed wheel for leather work.
  2. I have a Kingsley manual foil stamping machine and a Singer 110w/125 flatbed sewing machine
  3. Evening, my friend messaged you earlier on my behalf and was asking about trades. What are you considering for trades, what are you looking to acquire? Matthew
  4. Are you still interested in the class 14 splitter?
  5. Evening Sir,

    I’m interested in speaking to you regarding an old post you commented on about radius belts.

    Would you be willing to help me?


    Thank you and God Bless,

    Matthew Wilson

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MBWilson8541


      I have made a few leather belts in the past, nothing impressive.

      I used veg tan skirting leather for the past projects.

      I have heard people talk about “radius” or “curved” belts and I’m interested in how they are making them.

      On your post you talk about starting off creating a 6” tall curve buy using a ruler.

      From your post is seems as if the entire belt curves from end to end, is this correct?

      Is the belt similar to a buscadero where the belt curves down at the small of the back?

    3. Dwight


      Hi, Matt, . . . 

      Probably close to 30 years ago, . . . I got to watch a set of videos on cowboy gun belts, . . . John Bianchi made the videos.

      His pattern was a full arc of leather, . . . not curved at the small of the back, . . . but a symmetrical arc.  

      If you drew a straight line from the tips of the belt, . . . measuring the arc at the center . . . like it was Robin Hood's bow, . . . it would be 6 inches tall.  That is how I make all my belts, . . . have never had a complaint from any customers.

      If I remember correctly, . . . John was the one who perfected the buscadero style belt, . . . and the curve was a big part of it.  It allows the top part to be a bit tighter than the bottom, . . . making it fit on the hips and not slide down like a flat belt would do.

      May God bless,


    4. MBWilson8541


      That makes sense, I saw the illustration you posted back in 2010.

      Just to clarify.....the buscadero looks like back of the belt dips down at the lower back.

      When I curve this belt the arc travels up at the lower back to counter the sag and for better fit on the hips, is this correct?


      I understand what you described with the Robin Hood Bow. Just making sure the bow arcs like a bridge and you wear the belt accordingly with the belt arcing upwards.


      Thanks again 

  6. Thanks for the info
  7. I received a general shipping quote for a 2.000 lb machine to Tx, it can cost anywhere from $380-$1500. Let me know if you want to discuss it any further.
  8. I have it listed for 3200 with the 3 phase converter
  9. If you’d like video of it running send me your email address Thank you
  10. It won’t let me attach the pics and video. I even tried to do it one at a time. it says they are too big Anyways, feel free to text me.
  11. Hey, sorry about that. You are correct. I cut and paste from my Craigslist ad and totally forgot it said pics and video. Give me a second and let me figure out how to download them you can also text me and I can send you some pics and video Matthew Wilson 805 3687078
  12. I am listing my HCM-B USM Hytronic Cutting Machine Model-B and Phase-A-Matic rotary type phase converter (Runs 220V three phase equipment on 220 V single phase power.The USM Hytronic Cutting Machine-Model B is a motor driven hydraulically powered, floor model machine which may be either electronically or manually controlled by an alternate stroke control mechanism. This machine is used for forcing a cutting die through sheet materials such as leather, fabric, paper, plastic and various kinds of conductive and nonconductive flat material. This machine is cycled by depressing a thumb-operated trip switch, located in the handle, with one hand and simultaneously depressing a trip button, located on the side of the beam, with the other hand. Overall dimensions:Length- 36 1/4" base 57 1/4" including swing beamDepth- 40"Height- 58" to 62 1/2"Gross weight of machine- 1968 lbsMotor:Horsepower- 1 1/2Speed- 1200 rpmThe original owner owned a small leather business run from their residence and needed the phase converter. The unit was properly maintained and kept indoors. I acquired this unit in December of 2018. I have provided detailed photos of the exterior and interior of the machine as well as a video of it functioning properly.
  13. I purchased some cobra skins from AmTan and wanted to experiment with a simple card holder wallet. I have made numerous card holders already and wanted to try to add snake skin. I have never used it and didn’t known if there were some basics to using these skins. I am considering backing it with a firm veg tan, using my pricking irons, hand stitching and edge painting . Am I supposed to treat the scales, apply a coating or anything? I have done some reading up on other posts and this is what I have found so far, just not sure if it’s correct: * Treat the scales with polyurethane * Cut from the backside of the skin * No way to treat the scales to keep them completely flat Thank you in advance for helping me with some pointers
  14. I’m surprised no one has repsonded to your post.....you had me at “I’m a vet”! Most people start a Instagram account. You may or may not be a tech or social media guy but it’s the wave of the future. I would start an Instagram account and display your products. I’m a vet and a policeman and I despise social media and all the nonsense but it’s what everyone is on to stay in touch and show their work. With that said, I would start there. Most of my business comes from people seeing my products and Instagram advertisement. If you want you can send me a few pictures of what you make, I’d like to see them. Maybe there is something I would be interested in and can support your cause. Email me Wilsonthecoolguy@gmail.com
  15. Thank you sir
  16. I am trying to find a supplier for the metal clips that are used in the police citation books. I am specifically looking for the horizontal metal clips that hold the citation books and even the metal backing if I can get that too. For some reason the people that have this information don't want to share it. Thank You Gentlemen
  17. Does anyone brand leather or use a branding tool to burn names or designs into leather? If so what tool do you use? Thank you
  18. Thank you for the suggestions
  19. Does anyone have experience making outside the waistband leather holsters and willing to help me solve an issue? I have made a few OTW holsters and I am struggling to find out the right way to balance the weight of the firearm. The last one I made pressed the muzzle into my hip. The firearm I am using is a Glock 21. The rest 1.5” belt loop hole is positioned or lined up with the top 1/3 of the trigger guard. The front loop is slightly above the ejection port. I see a lot of different designs on the market and I am trying to figure out how you figure out the best way to balance out the firearm. thanks
  20. I just started getting into leather work and I have made a few simple projects. Ive been using 8-9oz Veg tan leather (side) and Tandy Eco-Flo (water based dye). After I have my holster dyed and stitched, I use hot sink water to wet the leather. I have been using a new cloth and the hot water to case the leather. I try to evenly cover the entire surface before molding. It never fails that I get dark coloring around the edges of the leather . What am I doing wrong? Thanks
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