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Everything posted by Maroonbulldog

  1. Would anyone know where I could get help finding any of these discontinued stamps? I believe Tandy used to make them years ago. I volunteer w a scout council and am looking for them to teach scouts. And these I particular to help make leader gifts. thanks in advance! jimmy
  2. I’ve had a lot of stamps made from eBay. “Custom engraved” out of Hong Kong I believe. buy several and they are cheap-around $15 each for a 1” stamp. you send in your design and they make it. Ships in about 2-3 weeks. Etsy also has some good geometric shapes from Poland.
  3. I understand that this is probably a stretch- but does anyone have a Tandy Greek lettering stamp set they would be willing to part with? ive been searching for a while and just can’t find any that are being resold. Appreciate and suggestions of where I could find some outside of Etsy and EBay
  4. Will do. Thank you for the reply
  5. Looking to find a way to get my lettering / stamps to stand out on darker stains with a white antique type rub. Does such a thing exist? I use Eco Flo gel antiques for this now but they are all dark.
  6. I’m planning on easier traditional projects for a while such as padfolios, wallets, card holders, book covers etc... things to make as gifts mostly. This is mainly for me to save my hands from hand sewing. It’s a fun hobby and not a source of income for me- so I don’t think I need top of the line - just something simple. Appreciate the comments received also.
  7. I’m looking for a decent sewing machine to advance my leatherworking. I’m not ready to go all in on a higher quality machine like the Cobras yet but willing to spend up to around $1500.00. I am looking at the Craftool® Pro Stitch Master® Sewing Machine from Tandy simply because I’ve played around on one in a store recently and it appears to do what I need ( small projects, portfolios, etc...) I'm open to any advice you all could offer- including warnings against the Tandy Craftool Pro stitch :)
  8. Welcome- from Starkville,MS!
  9. I’ve gotten from custom stamps from High Desert and also Custom Makers Stamp found on EBay (Hong Kong) been very happy with both places- Custom Makers takes longer of course but was a little cheaper.
  10. Thank you for the welcome. I’m still crawling and trying to get up to speed- this board is helping me for sure. Ive been back at it long enough, and remember just enough that I was able to teach a Leatherwork Merit Badge to some of my Scouts last weekend. I think I may have interested a few of those boys enough that a few may actually pursue it as a hobby. (The requirements were very basic). Again. Thanks for having me.
  11. Totally worthless add to this conversation but my mom used to make snakeskin belts when I was growing up and one she made formme when I was around 10 is one of my treasures now that she is gone. Because of her her interest in leatherworking, I’ve taken up the practice and while I’m learning- enjoying every bit of it. Seeing the snakeskin conversations and looking at the pics of those snakes being hung up to dry brings back a lot of great memories- sorry to not add anything useful for you guys - but this is a happy thread for me.
  12. FWIW I’ve used a listing on eBay ( search “ custom makers stamp logo... “ prices $15-$27. ) From Hong Kong. I’ve ordered several at one time and they gave me a pretty deep discount as well. Just make sure you BUY THEIR HANDLE! I’ve been very pleased and have made 3 separate purchases for custom stamps from them.
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