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    leather sewing machine, cutting machinery and leather crafting tools

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  1. This is a very heavy machine, you need a very powerful servo motor and speed reducer https://youtu.be/rk8VmINzl7o
  2. Thanks for your idea, users might be not happy to adjust some parameters in motor management menu, so we set wide range ratio in motor board, acocording to HT-SP03 Bearing drive Speed Reducer, the gear ratio is 1:3 (https://www.cowboysew.com/slow-speed-sewing-machine.htm)
  3. Kgg, we fixed the problem, now the Kinedyne needle position synchronizer can work perfectly with speed reducer.
  4. Thank you, Ryan O. Neel from Ohio, USA will translate the English instruction manual. Now he cannot come to China, so we are still wating...
  5. Very good point, I agree with you, most English manuals of Chinese machines are not easy to understand, even in Chinese 5 stars hotels, “Chinese English” is the most common problem. We try to provide easy to understand English, but not native.
  6. There must be a misatke. Let me check with our engineer.
  7. work in combination with a speed reducer? Thanks for your great question. We just tested, the needle position could not working well, but it is not about the synchronizer, but about mother board, we will upgrade the system ASAP
  8. “How many times a day you need to remove your hand from workpiece to the hand wheel for lifting needle, then remove the material?”EPS great for time saving, also avoid losing stitch when you turn material for changing direction. Price is higher than other motor, due to its high performance.
  9. What's wrong? The clutch motor will be noise as long as you feed the electricity. It is the advantage of sevo motor.
  10. Please contact our founder in Ohio, USA at 330 692 1418 or neelre@comcast.net, thank you! We tesetd with 220V motor!
  11. What does a needle position servomotor do on leather sewing machine? See below video link on YouTube.
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