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About aaronthearcher

  • Birthday 09/12/1981

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  • Location
    Healdsburg California
  • Interests
    Family, drones, leather, dogs

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Bags knife sheaths
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  1. Got my narrow foot set and feed dog set from @Patrick1 at HEP My ferdco didn’t come with a feed dog or plate. And also the narrow foot I have wasn’t open for visibility in the front of the toe. Patrick’s sets are beautifully made. Haven’t sewn more than a bunch of scrap yet as I just installed them but I really like having the feed dog for more positive feeding. I got the #25 set since I often sew heavier goods but I may get a narrow feed dog set soon. Over all a big improvement from the stock ferdco and I like it better than the cobra foot set I tried. The feed dog brings the most improvement in my opinion and since it’s beveled and polished doesn’t seem to mark much at all. Wouldn’t hesitate to get a set of you have a ferdco or any juki 441 clone without a feed dog.
  2. Uwe, Amazing and helpful video worked for me had my machine running like a top until last night, not sure what happened but something not good. broke needle stopped machine dead, thread stuck in race etc. Now my rear most hook position is almost a quarter of a turn too far back and the rear most movement doesn't align with my 0 degree position, where is the adjustment for that part of the timing. I can set the rear most position to the 1mm visible hook but it isn't in time with the correct position of needle or wheel...
  3. sending dm
  4. hey I'm sending you a dm
  5. I have a tormek t-8 standard stone and japanese stone (4000 grit) and if you're tired of trying to sharpen your bench splitter blade on sand paper on a flat stone or glass send it my way and I'll get you taken care of. Also very capable of sharpening other leather working tools if needed as well. Bench splitter blades will be $20ish plus return shipping, they don't need sharpened often and can be maintained by stropping for a long time after they are sharp. Benefits of my method is that it maintains a perfectly strait edge with the jig I use. Usually the middle portion see more use than the edge and I'll bring it all back to true without removing too much steel, or risking over heating the edge. Thanks for your time feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to get back to you promptly. Oh, I'm based in Northern California. (hidegear on instagram)
  6. Crimson hides Japanese style pricking irons 5mm 5spi 2 and 9 prong. $164 new shipped my price is $130 shipped in the US. I just don’t use this stitch length any more. Perfect working order. Sharp ready to go.
  7. price? pictures? location?
  8. Hey just sent you direct message about that beautiful skiver. I sure want it.
  9. is your press still available? I'll send a PM
  10. I have a complete 8 in if you were interested
  11. bump and 500 shipped in the Continental US
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