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Everything posted by Rock76

  1. No, I haven't gotten into stitching machines yet. Still doing it the slow way (awl and a couple of needles). I would like to get a machine in the future, but for now I don't mind hand stitching. It's kinda relaxing for me. No, it's not my first piece. I've been working with leather for awhile. I used to build pieces for Japanese Katana; primarily scabbards (saya). I was making the handle for one particular sword and wanted to learn how to do the stingray skin wrapping, so I stopped into a local leather shop for some advice and have been hooked since
  2. Thanks for the compliments and encouragement guys. I'll definitely be here awhile. No, not exactly new to it, but I learn something new with every project.
  3. Thanks a lot! Those makers (and many others) as well as many on this forum are a never ending source of inspiration and motivation for me.
  4. This is an IWB I did for a Glock 19. Those are some thick bodied guns! And an Avenger style holster for an HK USPc
  5. Thanks for the positive comments guys! It's a pleasure to be here. Can't take credit for the design though. I've seen several holster makers with similar models. This one was directly inspired by a photo I saw on Del Fatti Leather's site.
  6. Thanks rdb. I can honestly say this is my favorite forum to be a part of. Lots of good people with equally good advice. I learn something new with every visit. I'll definitely be posting more pics if my camera and I ever figure out who's boss. I knew there was a reason I never got into photography . -Adam
  7. Recently finished this one. It's for an XD service model. Love the forum, just wish I would have found it a few years back.
  8. Hey Clay, I read about a tape called Frog Tape in this thread: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=13899 I've never used the stuff myself, but it sounds like it might do the job. Best of luck! -Adam
  9. I've come to really like resoline as a finish, but I've only been able to get it right if I apply it with an airbrush. I've tried sheeps wool, dauber, sponges, etc. I'm sure it's just "operator error" on my part, but that's what I would advise . ymmv. Best Regards, Adam
  10. Thanks again Bruce, I appreciate the help. I'll try the #1. Best Regards, Adam
  11. Ok, I'm getting ready to place an order for Jeremiah Watt's round edge beveler and I read that the sizing #'s don't always mesh up between manufacturers. Any idea what Jeremiah's approximate equivelant is to Tandy's #3? Thanks again. -Adam
  12. Thanks Bruce. That's what I wanted to hear! Time to take the plunge. Best Regards, Adam
  13. Well, I've finally decided to upgrade from the Tandy edge beveler. I'm really leaning toward Jeremiah Watt's round edge beveler- http://www.ranch2arena.com/hsbtrndedger.html It looks a little different, and having never seen it in person I was wondering if it is used the same way as the ones from tandy?- http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/search/...w=Edge+Bevelers Thanks!
  14. Hey everyone, I have have a question for those of you with experience with satin sheen. I'm currently using Resoline (sprayed) for my leather projects and it is working out very well, but I'd like to try a top finish that is less glossy for some of my stuff. Is satin sheen similar to resoline in terms of flexibilty, water proofing, durability? I think I read somewhere on this forum that you can "tone down" the gloss of the sprayed resoline by cutting it with water, but I can't find the thread. Anybody have any info on this? Thanks a bunch!!
  15. Thanks guys. I thought it would be fine but I just wanted to be sure. -Adam
  16. Hello Everyone, I'm new to the forum and REALLY appreciate all the great info I've found here since I joined. Great place! My question is; I've just recently started spraying resolene for my finishes and was wondering what is the best method for cleaning up your airbrush after you're finished? I've been running warm water with a drop of dishsoap through the brush until it sprays clean, is this ok? Thanks. -Adam
  17. I was using Super sheen on my holsters but found that any type of flexing of the leather caused the finish to crack. It's a shame because I really like the high gloss finish that the super sheen provides. I was going to try resolene but was hesitant because of the mixed reviews I've read. I would also be very interested to hear what you guy and girls use for holster finishes.
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