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  • Location
    County durham
  • Interests
    Leather working, motorbikes and knife making

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    Leather tooling
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  1. Yes i think your right i will have a look at his videos tonight thank you.
  2. Hello This is my second wallet I am really loving making these, carnt wait to start my next one haha And advice would be much appreciated
  3. Thank you I used a small backgrounding stamp seems to give a good deep print.
  4. Thank you I love it my cuts are soo much better now
  5. Hello everyone Just wanted to share my current progress on my second wallet, I have gone for a hunting theme this time in a silhouette style, I think I am going to darken the background with just neatsfoot oil as i dont have a light brown dye. Also have no idea if i should do a border on not but we shall see. thank you.
  6. Thank you it is 7 oz probably i know that is quite thick for a wallet but i was going to use 4-5 oz for the pockets but i quite like the thickness of it to be honest haha. Thank you very much, yes I think you are right about the stamping i am quite unsure about how much water to use and when to start tooling, also my stamps are horrible but i will buy good ones as progress. The pockets are my design but i will probably use thinner leather next time and i used fiebings pro dye dark brown, carnt wait to get started on my next wallet
  7. Thank you very much, yer I have learned alot from doing this one so it should be better next time
  8. Hello just wanted to share this wallet I finished today just need some neatsfoot oil to treat it with then its done. Thankyou
  9. Thanks mate it worked really well
  10. Hello Just wanted to show people how i made my own swivel knife I used a cheap swivel knife finger rest, a quick release keyring, the middle barrel from an auto centerpunch, and a hole cutter blade. I have used it and i am getting much better cuts now very happy with it.
  11. Hi everyone new to the forum just wanted to say hi. Im sure im going to have lots of questions soon so get ready hahaha. Here is my work bench at the moment and my first bit of tooling, I made my own swivel knife today because I wasnt happy with my cuts and now I wish I did that before I started on my wallet but o well haha.
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