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    Leatherworking, woodworking, bicycling, reading (sci-fi/fantasy), my dogs (3 for now).

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    none, tinker around with bowls, trays, carving, small stuff
  • Interested in learning about
    everything I can
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    came up on search

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  1. I love that! That's the kind d of things I'd like to be able to do. Thanks for sharing.
  2. TCL

    Dragon and Castle

    Really cool. Love it
  3. Thank you I'll check that out (the one on sewing machines, I have tools for the plywood Thank you
  4. Thanks very much for your suggestions. I might try to get that speedy stitcher and see what I can get for the kenmore.
  5. Hello everyone, I've been cruising through on occasion for about a year now and have picked up some great information. I'm hoping to get some more. I mostly do small stuff like trays, fobs, bookmarks, bowls and some carving. I would love to get into some stitched items, wallets, small bags & stuff, but I have severe eczema on my hands and trying to hand stitch can be very painful. I can't afford a sewing machine, but have my mother in law's old regular Kenmore sewing machine. I have read that sewing leather requires special needles and a walking foot, so I don't know if that sewing machine is useable even if I can learn how to use it. Are there any suggestions for inexpensive leather sewing machines or other tricks for hand sewing anyone can offer. Thank you all
  6. Cool, I've never posted before but thought I'd chime in and say I'm close too - North Ridgeville. I do oddball stuff, various tooling, bowls, trays, small stuff like bookmarks, fobs, etc. mostly playing and experimenting. Haven't done any selling, but lots of my family have something made by me.
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