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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    full time leatherworker. purses and belts
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    more about my machines. melding old and new styles

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  1. Hello I'm in Arizona and I am looking for a high post bed sewing machine similar to the Juki PLC-1691. Any leads on this or a good resource for used machines of this type would be welcome. Thanks!
  2. thank you @Northmount and @JB7
  3. Has anyone ever heard of a 31-5? I was looking for a 31-15 or 20 or similar to add a roller foot for lightweight to medium leather for top stitch design work. This seemed like an affordable entry point. However, I have not seen the 31-5 listed anywhere. The Serial No. 13155000 seems to date it around 1895...Thanks
  4. Hello @JB7 Not sure if this is still available. I am interested in this machine, but don't live nearby. Are you willing to ship it for an additional fee...minus the table? I'm not familiar with forum rules in the marketplace on how to move ahead on sales with people. Perhpas @Northmount can fill me in?
  5. agreed! I would love to know what you actually have. Perhaps you've already sold it.
  6. Thanks Northmount...i did resize them down...but I ddin't know about the HEIC. It's not as easy to convert them from one place to jpeg as it used to be. sadly. the belt is not misaligned. it's the angle. @ViktrM if you feel like sharing your email I can send you the spare parts manual.. best
  7. Okay, all my pictures are too high of resolution, even just from my phone. 1.46MB is a bit low i guess for these newer phones. If you have a simple suggestion. let me know..
  8. It's pretty basic. it seems to me that most skivers are based on this machine, so how they are set up should help. just looking on youtube will be helpful. Just make sure to leave the lever up so the spring doesn't get worn out. Campbell-Randal has new bell skives if you need a replacement..and other parts, too. Mike there is very lovely and helpful. I would attach a spare parts manual, but it's too big and I don't know how to add another way. I'll follow with some pictures of my mahine. Let me know if you have specific questions and I'll do my best.
  9. Hello Lynn I was going back to see information on the Ideal Clicker Model C and running through the thread and just now saw you reply, sheesh !! Thank you so much! (I'm not catching any alerts anywhere when someone replies. Anyone with advice on this also appreciated.) I got it running and then I think the lack of lubrication made it break the part again..I repaired the part again and I think I have a fairly good idea on what the problem is, but I'm not sure how to translate the lubrication oils and greases stated in the manual. I would love yours or anyone's advice on how to translate...here are jpgs ; ) of those pages... I'm also gonna attempt to upload a video or link explaining some issues that I encountered somewhere for others that come through this thread.. Here is the Lubrication Schematic for the Ideal Clicker Model C
  10. Tak for det @DanishMan I actually didn't need to replace the spring I just needed to clean it. And now it's back in action! And...I am keeping the lever up as not to wear out the spring. yep.
  11. thanks @garyak didn't realize that, and now can't even tell you whether I kept it up or down, cause now it's just limp. I have included a picture. Thanks @northmount for moving this post to the right place. I'm still getting the lay of this platform.
  12. Hello All I have an old Fortuna Model G Skiving machine that has been working normally for awhile. Suddenly, after I started trying to degrease and clean some of the the screws the eccentric lever stopped engaging when I try to lift it up. Basically not functioning properly at all. The screw still turns, but none of it is functioning as it was or should. My best guess is that a spring gave out. However, I am not quite sure how to reach or even check for a spring within the arm. I have taken out the top that holds the screw and lever components. I can see a small plate under it. It does not look like a washer. Any advice appreciated. Also, anyone in Tucson that works on these would be great too.
  13. Greetings I have recently bought a Idea Model C and have powered it up and had it running. Shortly after it went through a mutli click episode and in the process a piece broke that had been poorly welded. I had it properly welded and put back. It worked again for a little while. Now it has stopped engaging and will not click when triggered. Just makes the electrical sound with no movement This machine was modified to have the dual trigger. I have the manual but am missing pages 40-51. These pages seem to have several figure references. The link in the thread did not include these pages. Does anyone else have them?? (the other link was dead or black.) This is not my strong suit, but I am trying to utilize the manual to do the tedious work needed to know the machine. Any advice on best starts, pitfalls etc? Also, here is a picture of how it was modified for the motor.
  14. Hello I am looking at potentially purchasing one of these machines. However, it is a 3 phase and I would need to convert it to one phase. Does anyone know the more economic way to do this. I know there are converters out there. Not sure how specific they are or whether they all work the same. Happy for any information. I know it is in working condition, currently. I am trying to consider what the end cost would be and whether it's worth it once it is moved and converted. Thanks Converting to three phase is not an option....
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