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Everything posted by Starwind0

  1. It's only 4 mm of leather so it should have no issues.
  2. Bought an adler 767 on marketplace Having issues with the thick nylon thread snapping. I just got the machine to work with my dryer plug. https://imgur.com/a/pFK1U68 The thread any nylon was selected by the industrial sewing machine store. So they should be the right size. Works fine till I try to do a thick piece of leather. Then within 3 stitches it frays and snaps at the spool side. Decides to open it up and the wick holder stuff crumbled.. not sure what part that is as the manual Is well below bar. I don't think the wick was in working order and can't figure out what to do. Far as the other issue I've adjusted the tension wheels but I don't have a half clue what I'm doing and can't find any good videos on it. If it's so loose I see the knot at the bobin side it works. Any tension and it frays. Using dotech 134x35 dia dp x 35 dia 23/ 160 cutting tip needles. 207 nylon thread
  3. I honestly didn’t think even industrial machines went that high. I can afford it, as in the move I sold my laser cutter, a few grand in exotic woods, my tech sew, dust collector. But now we are talking about the price of an epilog laser or close to a tormach starter cnc. But on the topic of Jukis I was reading somewhere that Jukis cost a lot then you need to do more to make them suitable for leather? yes I agree multiple machines would be great. I just don’t have the room. I sold my 2k foot house and am currently in half the space with the same amount of stuff haha. I don’t want a flat bed. Sorry I was trying to say things like wallets I’ll just do pricking iron for anyways. I mostly just want to make bags and such. Mostly whatever I like on creative awl and the like. for thickness talking 3-5 oz once in a blue moon I’ll make a belt so that’s a rare 8oz. yeah I’m sure the techsew in the right hands is a good machine. As an engineer I wasted hours this week because I was running commands on my local machine, not the remote machine. Small things can make a big difference. Hmmm a post machine. That does look interesting. I like making more artistic things too like the creative awl face hugger mask. That would be a lot easier on a post… yes I 1000% agree test driving is best. When I was in Austin I couldn’t find any dealers. But now I’m in Northern California there is surely some. I see a lot of Viking dealers. Any recommendations on finding ones that are specific to these machines?
  4. I'm looking for a new machine! I am looking for the easiest to use machine out there that gives the best result, especially for bags and such. I rather stick to the high end of machines as well I have a budget of lets say 6k. I had a TechSew 2750 pro, and I ended up selling it. I had a lot of issues using the machine 1) The tension was NEVER right. I'm sure this was user error but more than half my stitches had to be redone over the several years I used it. The next machine needs to need less fiddling, or difficult adjustments. 2) the feet would mar the leather. Especially when using the ultra fine Italian leathers. Probably no avoiding this.. 3) Still hard to get into corners. Which was the point of the machine I'm a hobbyist, so I like to do many different projects, but mostly I use the machine for things like bags. I'll pricking iron a watch band or wallets Last bag I made.
  5. Thanks, that made me realize that the plate did more. I did not notice that metal tab that holds the cage in place, now its working again! I must have messed it up months ago (yeah its been 6 month haven't finished this project). Was able to get a lot done today!
  6. https://imgur.com/a/QaKNYGP Using the largest needle and thread allowed, so 210 thread and 135x17 Walking Foot Industrial Sewing Needle Size 24 I have taken the thing apart, and I had this issue all through this project but last bobbin had no issues at all, the one before I bent 3 needles... I reviewed the basics for this machine and watched their tutorials.. but I must be doing something wrong when I loaded the thread? More likely the thread not to spec (I probably got it off alibaba) and is too big... but I have a LOT of it.. If the thread is too big can I mix and match the sizes, so I can have the same appearance of the thread? I am in the middle of a very large 200 dollar in Badalassi Carlo leather bag project... Not having a great time as its causing my final product to have lots of extra blemishes. Also I never realize my bobbin is empty. and I end up having a lot of blemishes from resewing sections as well. How can I do this better? Thanks!
  7. I have been wanting a tech sew for about a year now. I think this dang pandemic is has finally gotten me over the price, as I just spend too much dang time sewing! I was thinking the 2750 pro, but the one I saw locally was being sold because the guy wanted something with a smaller cylender head. Which honestly I want to do a wide range of items on this, but specifically I want to make a few laptop cases and backpacks. The best part about these machines is they convert to flat beds so I really can do all the things I want. I wanted to see your thoughts on the 2600 pro vs the 2750 pro.. As far as I can tell I will just not be able to do really thick leather. But the thicket I have ever done is maybe 8 oz leather. Two of those is 2/8ths which is less than the 3/8ths max. What else am I missing? I know the 2750 pro is very solid from the demo I had with it. I am a general hobbyist. I do everything from watch straps, to bags in one off projects. I know someone will say that there is not one machine to do it all, thats fine but I only can afford one machine. What I wont be doing is thick hard stuff like holsters and saddles. Also if anyone has one for sale between colorado and austin, I will be driving cross country...
  8. It seems if I google high quality I get harbor freight (HA!) .. but I know if I go to some leather shops they will ask hundreds for a set. I want a good hole punch set. I can spend maybe 100, but prefer less. Ideas?
  9. Welp.. the texas rose round head knife I waited for 18 months from knipschield custom knives was probably not the best one to try stingray leather on.. So I will be figuring out how to f&ckup my roundhead edge... Pretty upset about that.. but nothing that cant be fixed. That about when I went to a cheap knife and literally hammered to get the rest of the cuts done.. Then I did my pricking irons, and tried to sew it. It's as if I tried to align the holes binkfolded with a single tooth iron.. Yikes where do I learn how to use this, challenging material? This project just used it as an accent, so it was a small piece. Next will be big, like a wallet.
  10. Tried to go to Joanns yesterday, but I guess despite being needed for people to make face masks, or deal with the fact we can't do anything... they were closed. I ended up getting a few different options at Mood fabrics. Pretty cheap so I got a few. Joanns will probably go under comparing them to Moods website and selection. The Rag & Bone Cabernet I think is going to be the winner. Pewter and Charcoal Striped Acetate Lining Qty: 1 Subtotal:$4.99 Rag & Bone Cabernet and Navy Floral Silk Twill Qty: 1 Subtotal:$20.99 Natural Lightweight Cotton Muslin Qty: 1 Subtotal:$2.99 Mood Exclusive Double Dreaming and Trance Stretch Cotton Sateen
  11. This is incredibly hard to source.
  12. I am making myself that flat cap that I've always not gotten around to making thanks to Corona. I drew out what I want the design to be, and tomorrow I will finish the template with paper mockups. The only thing missing is, how the heck do I line this thing (the problem of my weird stubbornness not to pay for a template or guide that I can design myself) I live in Texas so.. this will be intersting. I was thinking Silk? Not sure... Whats the best material for a daily use cap? (till texas heat tries to kill me) Where is a good place to buy this material in the US? Thanks! Attached design for those interested. Cadding it up next.
  13. Yeah that's more or less the plan. But they are few and far between in the months long search. That said if anyone's going to get my money today it's the guy in Waco at maker leather supply. As you guessed I actually got ignored / still awaiting replies from many of the stores asking if they were open on a major shopping Holliday. Sorry it's 10-15 an hour to hire someone to sell 2k+ machines. I reserve the right to be frustrated and made to seem to be a bother to these shops. So I'll vote with my money. I like the Waco guy. He said he would open the shop just for me as he is near by. I like that but of course I'll come a other week as he's open Saturdays. Very different attitude. I think you all are spot on. It's about buying from someone you trust in person and offers good customer service. If I have to bend over backwards, deal with owners too busy to help me with such a massive purchase, I should go with the one that offered some level of accommodation. I mean if I'm having issues just buying, with cash in hand and a willingness to dive 6 hours and get a hotel.. why should I think they will offer better service when things break? We are talking about a machine that costs more than my mortgage. So Waco is the top contender but I didn't really want a cobra. But I'll check it out. I'll expand my search to Huston and forget about all Dallas stores. At which point I'll just buy a tech sew if I don't like my options. (saw that one in person, but the guy wanted 2k and couldn't keep his story straight. Machine was solid)
  14. The shipping is what gets me more than anything. I can't remember the last time I got customer support. Maybe 4 years ago when there was a defect with my ultimaker and I personally replaced the frayed heating element. There was that time I wrote a third the document for the most popular 3d printer circuit board because I was the first customer.. for example.. or reprogrammed a laser cutter to use that logic board.. Likely, with the engineer mindset I can research and fix anything. I am more concerned about mfg defects I can't fix myself. But I'm asking who's open for labor day. Yeah I just have my vacation days planned for the next 6 months for my lasik surgery and family.
  15. Oh that sounds like a sure killer deal! Though, in this case, the cost of a day off it just too premium. If I had a bunch saved up, but its a new job, and I plan to blow it all when I go in for minor surgery soon. (Frankly I tend to work weekends as it is...) The other factor is, ok I get there, I fall in love with it... I aint sure this is going to fit in my coup! So I'll be out that 350 shipping (and pay taxes for sure) But remember, the point isn't to spend time in Dallas. I honestly didn't like Dallas when I went there last year. Its to save money on shipping, and to see it in person.. If I have to get a Dallas hotel, and pay for gas, and my vacation dat.I'll just order the tech sew @.@ That said, the Waco store has me interested. I am not sure the pros and cons of Cobras and Cowboys. The frankly look like the same machines to me. Cowboys seems a smidgen better. Which means I like its paint more, or they have a better youtube budget, ie getting Stock & Barrel Co to do videos (he sure buys a lot of machines). Waco is near grandpa, and that store is open on weekends. So that might be my best bet That said. I can justify a Huston trip, as I haven't actually taken a weekend trip out there yet. Though everyone tells me not to bother... (something about the drivers and road warrior?)
  16. Yeah https://makersleathersupply.com/ Looks like a reseller. Oh oops Cobra, those are.. more or less the same in my brain. Saw the machine, its really solid. Though I did get the machine jammed for a moment when I came out of reverse too fast. Not sure if that is a bad sign or just operator error. He didnt really know how to use its advanced features, so I am not really sure all it can do, persay. No screen / controls which is fine. The air compressor is a downside, as I am in apartment life, and thats loud. Really cool guy too. What I am concerned, seeing all the computers and gizmos. If one of those fancy units goes out, will the machine stop working, and will I need to find a rare expensive part? Or if the machine needed a repair. Yikes.
  17. Okay, that is a fair point.. Maybe I am getting this offtrack with that bag. But it is good to have the expectation. So I will only buy one machine. Under the cry once pay once mentality, how do you think this compares to say, driving to Waco and buying a 2.2k cowboy ? Seems like a beast of a machine, but is it the right beast?
  18. I am not sure I could make a bag like this on that machine. I think it could do anything else, maybe.
  19. All good haha Juki LU-2212N-7 thoughts? Got one for 2k. Looks like a beast but it's a flat bed and a but more I want to pay if it's a flat bed. looks at videos. Holy crap that's a fancy machine. Im terrified of the costs to repair this thing.
  20. I want to buy at most 5 yards. Sorry for the confusion. I'm just trying the material. I sent them a message as they are in Austin county
  21. They do, but they are too expensive at 40 a yard to consider. I am sure its really special but if I have to pay over 17 a yard, I will take the 6 a yard canvas I bought at Joans and do it myself. fairfieldfabrics is criminal however. Their base prices are good but require 5 yards min, fine. Whats not okay is then charging me 15 for my "small order" .. okay I get it... THEN 60 dollar for shipping... So in the end the total was more than my whole hide order of BADALASSI CARLO from RML. I am seeing some Etsy shops, they probably bulk order from fairfieldfabrics and resell for a smaller profit.
  22. Wow its weirdly hard to get Wax Canvas! I got normal canvas, I am going to have to was myself, but I rather just buy a bolt of it. Recommendations? Looking for like bag / apron thickness. No idea what that would be. I found some but the prices were very high and untrustworthy.. Like 25 a yard (non waxed is 6 a yard today)
  23. Oh man, I'm not really sure whats going on with my post thread haha. Sounds like this is a new discussion related to troubleshooting? Far as my adventures go, dealing with flaky craigslist people. There is some Mercury that is for sale, but there is 0 information about them online. The other one I saw, the guy admitted to having never oiled it.. steering clear of that machine!
  24. Haha I understand for sure. There's just little options for us Austin folks who want to see machines in person. I wouldn't ask anyone to stay late either. I'm just frustrated there are few options that don't involve taking a vacation day or freight shipping. The other Dallas shop keeps trying to press their Thor machines on me but I don't like them. Cowboys are more interesting. Especially that pin striped on. I keep joking I could justify it's price as it's now art. (it's too much machine for my needs haha) Currently checking out a consew 225 that popped up for cheap.
  25. The two big letters are hirigana. First is character A then the crooked E is character no.
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