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  1. Bueler, Bueler! Kidding. But seriously I can’t find any answers to these questions. Please help!
  2. Can you wet form deerskin? if so, what are your thoughts on how well it holds up over time? Does it take small details well? I’m sure it would need to be veg-tanned deerskin as well. Thank you for any help on this.
  3. A tooled posture collar I just finished. Kinda like it. Let r’ rip. Please give me your critiques.
  4. Thanks you two. That makes sense. Plus I was thinking of the fumes and particles going everywhere. Even if you had a blower or suction hose it wouldn’t be encased or powerful enough so it would most likely spread everywhere.
  5. I’ve read through most of the posts on how powerful a laser should be for leather work. Most recommendations seem to point to a 60w co2 laser. Most of the lasers in that range still seem to cost around 2000.00 plus. Yet those ones seemed to be “encased” in a “metal box”. But these (post link below) “open” lasers tend to be much cheaper and have the power of a 60w co2 one. What are your thoughts on these cheaper version “open” lasers? https://m.aliexpress.com/item/3256803614466558.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.16b3bGu2bGu2ic&browser_id=677aa2dc816248c9b9630bdb01cfda8e&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=tabqgza6bcwcaa4u182566174c91e472abf41fc423&pdp_npi=2%40dis!USD!!269.0!!!!!%40210318cb16593066731048717e0040!12000027209687297!sea&algo_pvid=06a46b2d-2bbf-4490-8d7a-7ce1335c6fdf It looks like the link doesn’t work so I’m posting a screenshot
  6. Anyone have a link or recommendation for a pattern for a leather kilt? I’ve found plenty for traditional plaid kilts but I’m more interested in a “Utila-kilt” type pattern. And one geared towards leather to be specific as I’ve never tried pleats with leather. So if I had a regular cotton or canvas pattern I’m not sure how to convert that to “unstretchy” leather. Thanks in advance.
  7. I recently bought some red Burro veg-tanned leather. It came with that white wax (sometimes called ghost wax) on it. I know that it will wear off after awhile but how long is that? How much wear before then? Anyway to take the majority of it off before going to sale? Any other hints you want to add would be helpful. Thanks.
  8. What’s still available?
  9. I am just starting to use a filetuse and was using it on an already edge painted side. But I had hell of a time getting a strait line with the Creaser. I’m wondering if I should not bevel the corner edges first? That is beveling before the paint. Do you even bevel the corners if you edge paint?
  10. I could not figure out what forum topic I should put this in so here goes. Anyone have resources for classic leather stamp designs for drawing online apps such as Procreate, Illustrator, etc.? I would like to create my leather pattern but also work out the tooling beforehand in Procreate before committing to the leather itself. I am fully aware of being able to use any pattern, transfer it to the leather, and use a swivel knife to carve that out. But most of us still use stamps on top of that and this is what I’m looking for. Any my help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I know many people are going to say it “depends” but I am curious about what you do. I have the Turks Head knot down but struggle with finding the right weight of leather lace. I first tried some thin soft deer lace but it kept wanting to scrunch up on itself the more leads that was needed. So then I went with a thick Latigo lace but it just seemed way to bulky. What do you do?
  12. Please add me as well. Thank you.
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