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Everything posted by Ashley55

  1. Thank you for the reply! Do you find that's thick enough? I'm always paranoid about it being too thin.
  2. Thank you very much for the reply! Yes the 701 is checkered, although I am also curious to try smooth ones to see which I like better. I have tried tipping it to try and make it work, it helps but.... I'm still a beginner and my tool handling skills are not quite up to par just yet
  3. Curious what the best way to go about making bronc style nosebands is. The first way I tried was 2 layers of 6/7oz sewn together. But that was thick and "flat" and really hard to shape over the horses nose once finished. The second way I tried was to wet and shape into a U shape, and then sew together. Which gave the right shape over the nose, but was kind of a pain to sew. So my question is, what's the easiest way to go about it, while also getting it to sit nicely over the horses nose?
  4. I'm wondering if someone could help me figure out what size of beveler(s) I should get? I currently only have the Crafttool B701, which is fine for most things but is just too big for those small, finer spots- and I end up just mushing everything Tandy is the only store around, and even that is 1.5hrs away, plus covid so you can't go in. It's so hard to judge the pictures online, so I'm just not sure what exactly I need. If anyone could reccomend what size of bevelers are good for small/fine areas I would be very grateful!
  5. Thanks for the replies. I do have tan kote but from what I understand it's not as water repellent as resolene, and this will be outside in all weather conditions. I ended up putting on another coat of undiluted resolene, its tacky and annoyingly shiny- but no colour is coming off now. Maybe I'll just stick to using it full strength from now on- at least with the eco flow. When I used it over the fiebings antique I had no issues
  6. I'm getting a little frustrated here. I'm still learning and have dyed a few pieces successfully already but this one is driving me crazy. I'm making a halter noseband as a Christmas present and here is what is happening so far: Applied 2 coats of SuperSheen, let dry totally. Applied Eco-flo antique. Eco-flo antique dyed entire piece, threw out the SuperSheen. Buffed the crap out of it, no dye was coming off, colour actually looked okay so whatever. Applied light coat of resolene cut 50/50 to seal it, picked up some of the antique which was expected. Let dry over night and applied a second coat, still lots of colour coming off? Let dry overnight, and then buffed it, a bit of colour came off. Applied another resolene coat, can still see colour coming off. I've applied 4 coats of resolene and colour is still coming up when I apply it, and after it's totally dry if I touch it with a slightly damp paper towel there is colour transfer?! What is going wrong here? The bottle of resolene is only a few months old. The piece still looks half decent, it's just really really shiny, but I dont want the colour coming off on the horses face...
  7. Hi there, I'm a newbie leatherworker. I've made a few small projects and have been sort of learning as I go. My latest project has been bronc nosebands. I'm just having some trouble with getting them to "shape" to the horses nose curve. I have 6/7oz tooling leather that I have been working with, and I have sewn 2 pieces together to get a good thickness. But then I've found that I cant get it to wrap down across the nose as it's so thick, it just wont bend. (I hope this makes sense) So the next one I made I wet formed into a U shape first and then sewed together. Which did give me the shape I wanted but was really tricky to sew. So my question is: what is the best way to go about this? Should I be using just a single piece of heavier leather? Or using something lighter/more flexible as the backing? Thank you for any input!
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