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Everything posted by Pterytus

  1. Thank you for your thoughts. @chrisash You do not need to change the gearing RATIO, because it is still two hook revolutions per stitch. The gears just have to be moved. But in my case I have to replace the drive shafts (shorter on 5XX series) and I also plan to change the gears as a pair although they seem to be the same on both my machines. But all of that is not the problem and easily done, so I did not mention all necessary parts to change in detail, although you are right: It's more than just the bushings. @mikesc It is possible that I have to remove both bushings to the left completely first and exchange them along with shuttle carriers, shafts and gears (fortunately the bedplate measurements are the same in that area) - which would make machining unnecessary. And that is exactly the question: Does the "oiling pipe" from above prevent the movement and/or is the bushing "just" heat set into the bedplate. All that is hard to tell from just looking at the parts... So I was hoping that someone had already removed those bushings of their machines at some point and could enlighten me with a nondestructive procedure to do so on my machines ;-) Cheers, Pete...
  2. Hi! I plan to perform a heart transplant! (had to say that, sounded too good ;-) Well, it's the large shuttle of a Pfaff 541 which I want to put into my Pfaff 145 - and vice versa to be able to use the large bobbin of the 5XX series in the 145. To make this possible I have to move (or replace) the lhs hook driving shaft bushing of both machines. On the 145, I have to move it approx. 5mm to the right (away from shuttle) to be able to mount the larger shuttle carrier of the 541. Now, I don't know how to do that "correctly". I have already loosened the set screw from below, but I don't seem to be able to move the bushing itself and I don't want to use excessive force on the bushing, which might be the wrong approach... Does anyone know how the bushing is secured in the bedplate or how it can be (re)moved? Thanx in advance, cheers, Pete...
  3. Yeah, I think I'm going to make it a Habit: Decent idea - once a decade - sounds like a plan! ;-) Cheers, Pete...
  4. Dang! Should've patented it first, then... ;-D No, really: Thank you guys for your kind words and I'm glad if you like and/or use it for your own setup (As in: Why is there so little space under such a big table?). Cheers, Pete...
  5. Hey guys, (Ok, I confess: It was me ;-) It's a Ø4cm/Ø13cm part ordered from Sieck here in Gemany http://www.sieck.de/maschinen/naehmaschinen/schuh-schaft-herstellung/diverse-naehmaschinen/?produkt=9237 But you can get the same device at http://www.cowboysew.com/product911.htm or https://www.allbrands.com/products/39722-techsew-sr-speed-reducer-slows-down-handwheel-rpm (prices DO vary...) I used the leather belts just because they were easy to make at that moment and I could tweak the length so I would know which exact length of V-belts to order. In the pictures you can see the parts I used and the installed carrier without the speedreducer mounted. The star shaped head screw and modified hex nut are optional, a standard bolt and nut do the job, you then just need tools to tighten. Cheers, Pete...
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