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Everything posted by NarmoDaria

  1. Hello. we are a married couple, two tanners. Due to the difficult situation in Russia, we want to change our place of residence and move to Canada. We have been doing leather business for 6 years. My husband also works in the forge. We are looking for any job offers in any province of Canada.
  2. Thank you) inside the bag all the sheep is simple
  3. The large bag of natural tanning leather (skin thickness 2mm).Fully manual work from sketch to last stitch. Ornament is made in technique of carving. The bag is painted and hand-tinted with professional paints to work with the skin. Hand-braided with waxed thread with a saddle suture.Bag dimensions 25x26cm, belt length 130cm
  4. We use Saddle Tan and Dark Brown (Fiebings). And we have red paint for too long and we no longer remember where it comes from
  5. Thanks! Thanks) Thanks)
  6. Hi) We 're with the collars again. These collars went to Israel And one more remained in Russia.
  7. Our Etsy store is does not active. I think we will come back to Etsy later.
  8. Thank you for your answer.
  9. Thanks)))
  10. Thanks!
  11. Thank! We apply paint by hand.
  12. Thanks! These beautiful dogs are saluki from Sweden. Thank you) Thank you)
  13. and one more collar. simple, but nice.)
  14. Thank you)) Thank you))) Thank you)) Thank you)) Thank you)) We used the skin of vegetable tanning manufactured in Germany. We very much like its quality. Also paint sadle tan(Fiebings), finish LefLef and antique finish sheridan brown(Fiebings) was used. P.S. There is one riddle for us... We had no orders from the USA and Canada at all. And any sales on Etsy. But we regularly send the collars to Evroppa. Such collars are not necessary in the USA and Canada? The problem in the price can? How many can cost such collar?
  15. What do you think about it?)
  16. Our account https://www.facebook.com/rodion.epov
  17. Hi all. My name is Darya. We work with my husband in own leather workshop. The main direction of our work are collars for dogs. But we also like to made backpacks, bags and belts.
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