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Everything posted by bcraig

  1. I take it the last word means that aint what I want !! What do you recommend I look for ? Thanks
  2. Dwight Thank you much,I appreciate it A few Questions for you Using a piece of precut leather like this the rough side is the flesh side and the smooth side is the hair side? Approximately how far should the leather that I will cut the belt slots into stick out from the main body of the holster? do you think what I am looking for I should use 3-4 ounce leather or 5-6 ounce leather ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/SLC-Natural-Veg-Tan-Cowhide-Tooling-Leather-Pre-Cut-Project-Piece/112173155608?
  3. Hi first post here I came here learn how to make myself a pancake holster for a Bersa Thunder Plus 380 with a Armalaser tr 29 underbarrel laser. I am wanting to make a holster with some can’t to it and relatively lightweight but secure holster. I also would like for the pistol to sit deep enough in the holster that it does not feel like the top of the pistol wants to flop outward from my body,about 40 years ago I had a 6 inch barrel Colt Python that I had Roy Baker make me a pancake holster for and it always gave that feeling and felt like the belt slots were placed too low on the holster. I have seen some pictures of holsters made from lighter weight leather glued together and curious whether that is better than just using heavier weight leather ? I have seen pieces of leather on eBay and curious whether that would be okay for making the Holster from ? I am only going to be making 1 or 2 holsters so don’t want to buy a lot of expensive leather. about what size piece of leather would I need to make pancake holster for this pistol ?10 by 10 inches etc. Any help appreciated very much Thanks
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