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About DirtyDusty

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    Saddlemaking and holsters

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  1. I have a hard time matching up colors on the screen. Anyone have an idea what color would match up with latigo saddle strings? The roo lace in brown seems to be darker. Does the Brandy color come closer to matching?
  2. I was wondering if anyone knows a method to attach a crupper ring to the center of the jockeys, when the jockeys are laced together? I was going to use a frog with the ring attached to it, but I like the look of laced skirts.
  3. I was going to order some 1/4” lace for lacing saddle skirts. Springfield has 3 finishes to chose from. LGP, Classic, and Glazed. Which one would work best? Is their another supplier most folks use? I found some on Etsy, but it ships from down under.
  4. What about the older style pricking wheels by osbourne?
  5. Is there a difference in the European, ie. Vergaz Blanchard, pricking wheels, and the ones like Osborne?
  6. Wanting to upgrade my stitching awls but was wondering if anyone would mind sharing the size of the Douglass slim and regular, as far as thickness.
  7. Another question on saddle finishes. I was going for just an oiled finish. I was thinking about antiquing the stamping and tooling, to highlight it. The process I used on smaller items, has been to oil, tan kote, antique, and then another coat of tan kote. How will this work in a saddle that’s out in the weather getting rained on? Will the tan kote stop future oilings from soaking in? What’s your advice on finishes for saddles that will be used in damp weather? Any advice on this will be greatly appreciated.
  8. Does anyone know of a supplier, for the latigo holder and the cinch holder, that have the tab to put a breast collar dee on with?
  9. Yes sir. Doing a partial tooling pattern. Learning to tool along with building a saddle is a slow process, when you work a lot of overtime. I tried out a piece on this scrap, it did ok, but if I hold it up side ways and look down the pattern, it seems to look like the pattern is stretching, where the basket pattern was the widest.
  10. Thanks! I have gone back and forth on ring vs. dee vs. flat plate. Next saddle, Lord willing, will probably be a flat plate. Unless I make my daughter a barrel saddle.
  11. Decided to go with the Stohlman style drop dee rigging. Anything stand out as a problem at this point?
  12. What’s your favorite size beveler that you find yourself using most, in the Barry King steep beveler line up, for floral carving?
  13. Can anyone here, point me in the right direction? I am wanting to make a cell phone case for an iPhone 12 Pro, but I am not sure what size or style of clip to use. Anyone know if a guide that shows what size belt clips go with what size item?
  14. I notice the 550 rings and similar versions, listed as inskirt rigging. The only ones I see for flat plate are the 5053 style. Is there a reason you couldn’t use the inskirt rings on a flat plate?
  15. How deep are the skirts on that saddle? How far down does the rigging plate come? Has a nice balanced look.
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