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    Where the wind blows, Oklahoma

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    Belts, Purses, wallets, cowboy gear!
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  1. We are selling our Artisan Toro 4000. Sews great, we just don't need it. Not interested in shipping it at this time. Local pickup only. Come try it out! We are located just east of Tulsa, OK. Asking $1,700 msg me for pics.. I'm having trouble getting them to upload.
  2. Bree, thanks for the info, I will keep looking.
  3. Thanks to everybody, I will definately be trying to make it to some shows. And thank you James for the invite! I live east of Tulsa near Pryor so we are not that far apart. It seems most everyone I have talked to lately suggest the Toro 3000 so I will check into them for sure. Thanks again!!
  4. Okay thanks I will keep reading! I am in N.E. Oklahoma.
  5. HI to all! I have a question, what kind of sewing machine do I need? I have just recently decided that I would like to take a go at building some tack, like headstalls, bronc halters, breast collars & the like. BUT, I started lookin around on the web for a sewing machine & I am totally overwhelmed with all the different machines. Anybody have any suggestions? I would like to stay under $2000. One other question, I found a used Juki DDL 555 w/ table & 110v clutch motor for $500 is this even close to something I can use? Sorry but I know absolutely nothing about leather sewing machines. All info is greatly appreciated!!
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