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  1. Hi Tom thanks for that - I'm specifically looking for a type of rubber rein material called "Super Grip" I believe, which is much softer than the old type Abbey England sells. Anyone got any leads?
  2. Does anyone know where I can buy rubber for English style reins in the extra soft "Super Grip" style that's popular right now? Thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks Jonas! That all makes sense. I could use a little acetone in that area to strip the leather dry a bit to make it stick better? I'm worried that on a curved or flexible surface the velcro might bubble or warp a bit, though I think your idea to sew it down the middle might be the solution.
  4. I have a French jump saddle with very minimal knee and calf blocks under the flap (on the sweat flap) - I've attached images of the same type as mine here for reference. I'd like to remove the current blocks and add areas of velcro under the flap so I can add bigger blocks, and move them as needed. Assuming I can find sheets of brown velcro loop fabric, would I glue them down? Do they need to be hemmed? And then stitch the edges with back stitch or saddle stitch? Is there anything I'm missing? It seems fairly straightforward, albeit fiddly to stitch mark the sweat flaps while on the saddle.
  5. Etsy has lots of highland cow skins. Here's one: https://www.etsy.com/listing/778477100/red-scottish-highland-cow-hair-on-hide?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=highland+hide&ref=sr_gallery-1-7&external=1&from_market_listing_grid_organic=1
  6. I want to replace the billets on my dressage saddle - what weight of black leather should I use? https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/catalog/item-detail/01-100s-12/black-heavy-harness-leather-/pr_25272
  7. I'm very new to leatherwork, and this is my third project: a hand sewn english halter in undyed veg tan with solid brass fittings, mint napa padding and mint thread. It has a double rolled jowl so you can unsnap for grooming the jaw. Certainly learned a lot: first time sewing padding, first time rolling leather. Not perfect but I'm happy with the design and style, as impractical as the colors are
  8. I've got two pairs of stirrups like that and they're OK, but the holes tend to wear out very quickly because they're inserted in a thin layer of leather. Buckled ones last a lot longer, which is why I love the Kieffer ones I bought. They just have this one design flaw...
  9. Thanks Silverd! Agree on the weight/force. Tho I have seen solid brass halter hardware break and the rest (nylon) stay intact, so I always want solid brass hardware because it will break. Of course, a horse is a LOT stronger than me The part of the buckle that's digging into the flap is actually not the tip, but the heel end of the tongue at the back, where it attaches to the buckle bar. But again I can see a piece of leather there helping to prevent this - was hoping to preserve the simplicity of the design and find a buckle that doesn't stick out in that area quite so much! Agree on the wrapped leathers. And in fact any tack wrapped or covered in a thin piece of leather - totally prone to wear out. I'd rather swap my leathers over to a different side and have them stretch evenly than have to buy new leathers every couple years.
  10. Thanks for the links and suggestions for other buckles! Now, the problem from what I can see is: 1. none of them would prevent the main issue I am having - the buckle tongue rubbing a groove in the saddle flap 2. some of them look to be brass - I consider this a weak metal and would prefer steel. Am I wrong? Or is brass OK? According to this site the tensile strength for steel is 460-1100- megapascals (MPa) vs brass at 325-625 MPa: https://structx.com/Material_Properties_003a.html Silverd that's the one. Where are they available? Perhaps I just need to design a way to stop the tongue ruining the saddle flap after all....
  11. The small plain loop at one end slides over the stirrup bar on the saddle: nice and flat under your thigh. The buckle end, with stirrup attached within the other loop shown, hangs down. You can adjust by moving the buckle up and down BUT when shortened enough for the buckle to lay on top of the saddle flap, the back side of the tongue's attachment to the buckle rubs a groove in the flap. Bad design. There's a final additional hole in the leathers up near the stirrup bar loop so you can run them up for storage.
  12. I bought a pair of Kieffer Dressage stirrup leathers that are a great design: simple loop at the stirrup bar, and one curved buckle at the bottom to adjust. Unlike other bottom buckle styles with conway buckles and leather casings, they are easy to adjust and can be "run up" for storage on the saddle easily. One downside is the buckle tongue. Made of "wire" it's the same thickness around the "hinge" end of it where it attaches to the buckle. This leaves a nasty mark on your saddle flap if you shorten the stirrups enough that the buckle is above the edge of the flap. You can't see it in the image here but you can see the curve of the buckle. Where can these be bought? Has anyone here had buckles custom made for them? Thoughts and suggestions? I'd like to recreate this design without adding a leather casing to protect the saddle - these wear out quickly and ride up unless secured.
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