Why hello all!
As you can see, I am brand new here as well as to leather. I’ve only made a pair of breast collar tugs and girth guards so far - no tooling, just dye. I’m starting to envision all sorts of projects (particularly a headstall to match my saddle and an archery bracer for my mother) and my artsy background is getting me excited about COLOR.
My question for you is this - are saddles sealed? And if so, with what? How do they absorb conditioner once sealed?
At first I was turned away from paints (for the bracer) because my impression was that after sealing the leather can’t absorb anything else. I feel like I have been conditioned to, well, “condition” my saddle, and it seems wrong to not have to do that with leather? Then I was also finding information where saddles are sealed and I just grew more confused. So, what’s the lowdown?