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  1. Definitely share photos of it in the frame! I don't have much leather experience, but when painting with acrylics I use gloss medium from Liquitex and UV topcoat in gloss from Golden. I have added small amounts of water to thin the gel, but I’m guessing those companies might carry an airbrush version if interested.
  2. I enjoyed that video! Never would have guessed the size or the amount of dimension from the photo. Very nice. Any plans to coat the eyeball itself with something extra glossy? You going to frame this or have other plans for it?
  3. It took me a while, but I found the website with the image I had in mind! Look at the “proportion” section with the traced outline. https://essenmitsosse.de/likeness-in-portrait/ Just goes to show how the traced line doesn’t always appear quite right. But if you added tooling and shading, it would help it take form.
  4. You know, if you are tracing only the basic outlines, most things will look really odd - it’s the shading that truly develops the form. If the elk still interests you at all, I would say try tracing just the nose on a scrap piece of leather and see if stamping some form into those lines doesn't help develop it to your liking. Apologies if this is old news to you
  5. Hello from southern MN Never would have guessed that was beaver tail, very cool!
  6. Thanks for the reply! When I say seal, yes I’m referring to something that helps to keep the dye/paint from transferring/getting damaged. In the back of my mind, though, it seems like varnish over an oil painting once it’s dried - you know, the kind of thing that’s the last and final step where little to nothing is going to penetrate beyond that film. I think that thought is what’s scaring me haha. I definitely appreciate you listing some brands as that’ll help me narrow down my research. Also, super thanks for sharing some of your processes. I have a lot of practice and play ahead of me and it’ll be interesting to test out different approaches and see all the effects. Hopefully I’ll have good things to share ;)
  7. Why hello all! As you can see, I am brand new here as well as to leather. I’ve only made a pair of breast collar tugs and girth guards so far - no tooling, just dye. I’m starting to envision all sorts of projects (particularly a headstall to match my saddle and an archery bracer for my mother) and my artsy background is getting me excited about COLOR. My question for you is this - are saddles sealed? And if so, with what? How do they absorb conditioner once sealed? At first I was turned away from paints (for the bracer) because my impression was that after sealing the leather can’t absorb anything else. I feel like I have been conditioned to, well, “condition” my saddle, and it seems wrong to not have to do that with leather? Then I was also finding information where saddles are sealed and I just grew more confused. So, what’s the lowdown?
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