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Everything posted by Kozuph

  1. Great thank you
  2. Still have any parts available?
  3. When painting the machine has anyone experimented with using a base or primer? Also what about a clear coat to ensure longevity???
  4. Universal sewing.com
  5. Depends on the price? That pfaff is significantly more valuable than the singer in your picture. Trying to find a older pfaff on the used market is almost impossible (especially if it’s in your local area). Also individuals selling pfaffs are usually very well aware of what they are worth so deals are hard to find. I would grab that 545 and run with it no questions asked! . I have a 545 H4. It sews beautifully. At least for the upholstery that I do....... parts wise, yeah they are pricy but unless it’s something major you’re golden. As a reference, My dad has a old pfaff 1245. He’s used it for 30 years without putting a dime into it. They are amazing machines. if you are curious, go onto universalsewing.com and you can search the parts manual and parts pricing. As far as the singer goes. “Fresh paint no warranty”. In all seriousness though as long as the internals are good it’s probably ok but I’d grab that pfaff before someone else does. (I Also have a singer 211g156 so this is not a bias recommendation) do they come with tables or head only. Either way get a servo motor and you’ll be sewing happily.
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