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    leather working and braiding, woodworking

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    cutting and braiding leather, also did some saddle making.
  • Interested in learning about
    improving leatherworking, and starting to make holsters
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    looking for leather books on line.

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  1. I am new to posting on this sight. There is such a wealth of info on this sight!! I have used Fiebings pro dye for a long time. I have some that has dried out a bit and wonder what can I mix with it so it spreads better? I use a dabber to apply it with.
  2. I have an Adler 205-370. It is an older machine. It has a table and a clutch motor with it. I also have a Juki 513 walking foot with big bobbin, head only. It does not have reverse. It was purchased from Holderbys Sewing Machine Repair in Seattle a few years ago. I have barely used it. I do not need it now. The Adler is in good working condition. I am in the Seattle area. You can respond to me through Leatherworker.net forum or my contact number is 206-719-4121
  3. jcraftsman

    Kangaroo Hide

    Acox, I have been braiding whips since 1978, apprenticed with David Morgan for 9 years. I am buying my leather from Hardtke Leather and I just bought 20 hides from them 2 weeks ago. The quality was very good, and I got them in a week. For whipmaking I buy a certain tannage of kangaroo leather, drum stuffed, ask Peter Hardtke which is best for your work Their web page is www.hardtkeleather.com. Packer Leather is considered the best tanner of kangaroo hides in the world! I worked with Peter Hardtke one of the owners, email is : peter.hardtke@icloud.com. Good luck with your knee replacement!! I have a few hips and an ankle replacement myself.
  4. Hello, I am interested in a few tools of yours to buy? The peugeot freres dividers. The C.S. Osborne rosewood adjustable awl handle & tighting wrench. Gomph round knife broken , one side ground off. and gomph handle. And the palosanto edge bevelers? can pay by PayPal! Let me know if you have any of them and are interested in selling them?
  5. Hello, I am interested in buying the Japanese skiving knife for $50.00? Let me know if it is still available and I can pay by PayPal?
  6. jcraftsman

    Kangaroo Hide

    Did you ever get Roo hides or lace? Where do you get your hardware from for your braiding?
  7. Do you have any tools still left?
  8. Are any leather tools available?
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