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Everything posted by PurpleSage

  1. Sure you have long since finished up this saddle but I usually find that really black hard gunk is where some type of hardware rubs on leather. Think rivots or stirrup bolts, etc. I typically use a little plastic scraper to scrap it off back down to leather and then scrub with brush. Often use Murphy’s oil and then saddle soap for the cleaning stages. Might try the ammonia mixture though on the next really greasy dirty one I get!
  2. I posted about this saddle on another thread before I found this one. I am a bit deeper into cleaning it and have more info now. Please add to your list of ones to look up next time. It is a Trademarked Port Parker. It’s number on the near side skirt is: 26288. I will try and attach some pictures. The cantle has a brand CW on it and then a name across the Cheyanne Roll that I think says WENDELL but I am not a hundred percent sure on that. Thank you very much!
  3. Hey! Thanks for sharing all your info and knowledge. Just got a saddle to clean up and was having trouble reading the markers mark but after reading this thread....I believe it to be a Port Parker, N. Porter. I will attempt to post pics.
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