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  • Location
    Nebo, WV
  • Interests
    Hunting, Camping, working leather

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Sheridan carving
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  1. MrDoug


    Just finished my first lamp. Working on the second now. The second will be carved as well.
  2. I, too, would love to have this pattern and instructions. mr.doug65@gmail.com Thanks so much!
  3. Fredk, First, I dont think you were unfair. I had seen the tool numbers on the craftaid sheet, they just completely escaped my mind. Its good to be reminded sometimes. I had watched some videos since I looked at it, and they were rattling off some tool numbers as they used them, but without watching them again, with pen and paper, I missed most of them. so, secondly, Thanks so much for taking the time to make the list. I will compare them with the tools I have (woefully few that they are) and begin building a basic set. At some point, I will post a few pictures of what I have done with what I have. Thanks again.
  4. Fredk, Thanks. I forgot there are tools listed on the sheet with the craftaid. Told you I was new to this. Ill start with those.
  5. I have only recently begun to carve leather. I have made some simple keychains and other small things with stamping, and now I want to get to the next level in my craft. I would like to learn Sheridan carving, and I have purchased some templates to help me, but I am finding that I am lacking not only skill, (which I know will come with practice, LOTS of practice) but some basic tools as well. I know I will need a selection of steep bevellers, flower centers, etc, but can someone give me a list of which tools I MUST have to create a decent Sheridan carving? At this point, Barry King tools are out of the question, so something I could order from Springfield Leather, or Tandy? Thanks in advance.
  6. I do realize this topic is more than 10 years old, but I just found this site, and so it is new to me. The link for the tutorial no longer works. Is there another we can watch? I have been "dabbling" in leather for a few months, and would like to learn everything I can.
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