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Posts posted by Leather2

  1. 50 minutes ago, mike02130 said:

    You listed a decent budget friendly starting set up for making sheaths.  You did some home work.  I suggest you eliminate the stitching wheel and get a set of Japanese style stitching chisels.  I bought the same awl and the ferrule and blade came off the first time I used it.  RML sells a Vergez Blanchard diamond awl at a good price and after polishing the blade it will work well for you.  John James 004 are small and 002 are large.  Buy some good thread and you're all set to go.  You may as well order everything from Rocky Mountain Leather.  They don't carry junk and have free shipping.



    Get the 2 and 6 tooth.

    Thank you! 
    I am curious to know why you would skip a stitching wheel, and go for stitching chisels. From what I have seen stitching wheels are used for long stitch seams as well as curves, Am I missing something?


  2. Hello, I am new to this form, and need some advise as to which brand of tools I should get.

    I have never leather worked, but it is very intriguing and I want to make some knife sheaths, and maybe later some bags and wallets.

    From what I read, I will want an stitching wheel, a groover, an edger, a scratch awl, needles, and a burnisher. I already have a mallet, a xacto knife, and a surface to work on.

    It seems like Tandy’s hand tools are not quality anymore, and wanted advise to see if these tools are good:

    kyoshin elle pro edge creaser and groover

    kyoshin elle pro stitching wheel(all sizes included)

    Rocky Mountain Diamond awl

     Kyoshin elle pro grooved edger #2

    John James needles(I don’t know what size to get and don’t understand what thread size either, pleeeaaase help)

    Tandy’s wood burnisher(seems like this tool of Tandy’s would be fine?)

    Thank you in advance.


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