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    Small leather goods

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    wallets, purses, bags
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  1. Anyone know a good supplier of small batch custom brass or metal hardware like chains, key chain rings, conchos, etc? Thanks.
  2. Does anyone have experince with those chinese bell skivers on ebay, amazon, aliexpress, etc? And do you have any recommended sellers? Thanks.
  3. Thanks. Yes, the sandpaper i put is for a pack. Actually i think i have some 180,220, and 400 grit left in the garage. Just put it there so i dont forget ill also spend on small stuff like that.. Thanks.
  4. Yeah. I just put the most expensive there. I knew people would recommend more affordable pricking irons. Its where i can save the most money. Thanks!
  5. Woohoo! Thanks!
  6. Hi All, I want to start leatherworking as a hobby. I was hoping to keep the total around $500 (not including leather). I'm in the US. I'd like to make small leather goods like wallets, notebooks. I'd like tools that will last me a few years and just pay once. Here is a list of tools I think I need. With an estimate of the cost. It totals $682. Can anyone suggest alternatives to the more expensive items which I won't have to upgrade in a year? The more expensive items are the stitching irons, stitching pony, beveler, and maul. I don't know if I need a dedicated pattern knife of the xacto will be good, I know a lot of people seem to use the xacto. Thanks. exacto knife $6 ruler $10 Straight edge - already have one needles $9 thread $7 - just to start stitching irons $215 - I just put the most expensive one for computation. KS Blade Punch 2+10 3mm pulling block - free scratch awl $5 square $10 dividers / leather groover $10 - a tandy stitching groover washers for rounding corners $10 stitching pony $120 - dream factory. I'm sure there's a cheaper option. scissors/snip - already have these beveller 80 - I put the palosanto #2 here. I'm sure there's cheaper options slicker $10 beeswax $6 tokonole $11 cutting board/mat $25 card for templates $15 sanding block/sandpaper $8 maul/hammer $75 - barry king maul. skiving knife 50 - a friend is selling me a palosanto japanese knife which might be a good option.
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