Hi All,
I want to start leatherworking as a hobby.
I was hoping to keep the total around $500 (not including leather). I'm in the US.
I'd like to make small leather goods like wallets, notebooks.
I'd like tools that will last me a few years and just pay once.
Here is a list of tools I think I need. With an estimate of the cost. It totals $682.
Can anyone suggest alternatives to the more expensive items which I won't have to upgrade in a year? The more expensive items are the stitching irons, stitching pony, beveler, and maul. I don't know if I need a dedicated pattern knife of the xacto will be good, I know a lot of people seem to use the xacto.
exacto knife $6
ruler $10
Straight edge - already have one
needles $9
thread $7 - just to start
stitching irons $215 - I just put the most expensive one for computation. KS Blade Punch 2+10 3mm
pulling block - free
scratch awl $5
square $10
dividers / leather groover $10 - a tandy stitching groover
washers for rounding corners $10
stitching pony $120 - dream factory. I'm sure there's a cheaper option.
scissors/snip - already have these
beveller 80 - I put the palosanto #2 here. I'm sure there's cheaper options
slicker $10
beeswax $6
tokonole $11
cutting board/mat $25
card for templates $15
sanding block/sandpaper $8
maul/hammer $75 - barry king maul.
skiving knife 50 - a friend is selling me a palosanto japanese knife which might be a good option.