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Everything posted by KitKat

  1. Wow, I didn't know that. I havent gotten the chance to sew anything with it So will be checking this out tomorrow. Will post picture of the result.
  2. Hi All. I've got a new Heavy Duty Leather Stitcher for sale. It is a Sewline-SL5-1. It is the same machine as the GA5-1 only sold under another name. I purchased this machine for a freind who thought they wanted to get into the leather business. As it turns out, they changed their mind shortly after I ordered it. Needless to say, I''m pretty much stuck with it now. So it must go.. Asking 1200.00 ( Includes shipping via UPS in 3 seperate "original" boxes). BTW - I've taken this machine out of the boxes and put it together. It runs GREAT and is suitable for a variety of leathercrafts as well as webbing, biothane etc. Would make a nice starter machine, or a good second machine just to have for sewing other materials. Anyway, Here are the spec's on it. Features: * Heavy Duty Single Needle Lockstitch * Cylinder Bed * Extra Large Oscillating Shuttle Hook * Suitable for Stitching Hollow, Tubular and Curved Articles * For Sewing Medium To Heavy Materials Including Vinyl, Leather, Canvas, Saddling, etc. * Perfect Machine for Heavier Applications * 1/2 Inch Presser Foot Lift * All New Special Cylinder-Bed Table * New 110 Volt Industrial Motor * All New Accessories * Manual Included is an edge guide as well as several packages of needles in various sizes.
  3. Just wanted to thank everyone again for their interest in these items and to also thank those that took some of the items off my hands! I don't think I'll be selling anything else at this point. Thanks!!
  4. SOLD
  5. Hi there, I'm sorry BIGGUNDOCTOR, My neice has talked me out of what's leavt. I guess her and her horsey friends want to make some blingie wristbands and key chains with them. I've sent u a PM as well... Sorry bout that, Cheryl
  6. Hello everyne This is a list of the items that have been sold so far :-) A special thanks to everyone who has purchased these items! Dremmel Concho Cutter Leather Splitter Scrap Leather Rein Straps Large ebay tool kit Weaver Bridle buckles Cobra Class 4 Sewing Machine 1/2" & 3/4" center bar bridle buckles I still have alot of the hardware leav't., Driving bits, cruppers and Beta Biothane as shown below 3/4" , 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" 2" all in BLK. (not a very good picture) This is the 2 groove that the amish use to build harnesses from. I also have 1" Beta Biothane available in 2 different shades of brown. This is the "super heavy". Will sell these by the foot w/ 5ft minimum. if you are interested in trying beta Biothane on one of your projects heres your chance!!! Thanks again everyone! Cheryl
  7. Ok, curiosity has gotten the better of me, Add me to please!
  9. Thanks, BIGGUNDOCTOR, I'm sorry but I don't have any in that size in a clear. All are 7 & 10mm Kings's X, aggiebraider & equiss, I've sent ya a pm
  10. Hi Calvin, Thanks Calvin, I'll consider the dremel sold!! Which bridle buckles are you interested in? There are 5/8, & 3/4" I'll get back to you on the prices for the reins and shorter peices. BTW - I have more stuff that I haven't posted pictures of yet. Will post more of them later today. Beta Biothane, and other snaps, buckles etc... Thanks again, everyone! Your help has been sincerely appreciated!!!
  11. Hi King's X Here is a Picture of the scraps. Will this work for you?
  12. Hi There, Thanks, I'll consider the skiver sold :-) As to the large scraps... I'll take some pictures of what I have. To be honest I really dont have a clue what the stuff is worth so with that in mind, just shoot me a offer for it. What you think is fair. Let me get the pic's up first though to be sure its what you are looking for :-) Thanks, Cheryl
  13. More..... Picture # 30 (see above) Picture # 35 Heavy Harness Leather Rein straps (Light Brown ) 2 sets 5/8" x 7ft & 3 sets 3/4" x 7ft Picture # 36 Scrap Harness leather peices (not really scrap, just a big box I've stored all the smaller length rein straps in as well as left over peices from hides Picture # 31 Craft Tool 4 3/4" Leather Splitter - $60.00 (tool needs dusted, but its a little over a year old, blade still sharp) Pictue # 32 Dremel w/ Stand, carry case, along with bits, sanders etc that goes with it. $45.00 Picture # 002 Nickel 3/4" - 3 sided halter hardware w/ O rings Picture # 003 - NP O-Rings 2 - 1 1/2", 3 1 1/4", 30 - 1" , 2 - 1 1/4" are Brass Picture # 004 3/4" Bridle buckles with 3/4" ear slides Picture # 005 6 3/4" buckles (np) Picture # 006 26 5/8" Bridle buckles Picture # 007 54 NP Buckles
  14. Still no word from the support department on the website, anyway, here are a few pictures of some of the things available. Picture # 21 - - 2 - Horse size Crupper Picture # 27 - - 2 - Half Cheek Snaffle bits w/ 5" mouthpeices (stainless & rubber) Picture # 25 - - 5 - Whip Sockets - 4 Stainless & 1 Black Iron Picture # 28 & 34 - - Heavy Harness Leather Rein Straps 5/8" X 9ft 12+ oz Picture # 29 & #30 (see pic in thread below) Heavy Harness leather Rein Straps 5/8" X 7ft 11" 12+oz Picture # 11 - - - D Rings - 54 5/8" & 20 - 3/4" Picture # 12 - - 15 - 1" Roller Buckles Picture #14 - - 10 - 3/4" Twin Loops Picture # 15 - - 55 Nickel Plate Bridle Buckles (image color is off) Picture # 16 - - 2 POUND bag of assorted squares Feel Free to make offers on this stuff. All of it is NEW and 99% of it was ordered from Weaver Leather
  15. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Try this link in a bit. I guess they are checking the site for what ever reason.... Sorry about the delay! http://www.circler.net46.net
  16. Hi There, I have created a website and have started listing the inventory available for sale. Here is the link to the site. It is far from finished, but the machine, leather and items everyone has requested are up.... My link Thanks again Cheryl
  17. Thanks for the inquiry's everyone. I'll take some pictures of this stuff tomorrow and get it posted on here. Then if you'd like to make offers on it, that would be great. Thanks again, Cheryl
  18. Hi CW, Thank you for your prayers! The leather is from weaver leather and it is Chahin light Russet Harness leather. Its 12+ oz. It was one of the heavier weight hide's I've received from them. there are 8 rein sets that were cut by weaver. They are 5/8" wide by 7-8ft long. (none shorter than 7ft) There are 4 sets that are right at 9ft long as well. Of the chahin Harness there are a few golden brown sets. These are also 12" oz. There is one that is 5/8" x 7ft and there are 3 sets that are 3/4" x 7ft. I have a HUGE box of the same 12+ oz leathers that are in shorter lengths ranging from 2 - 6ft in length. All the leather is finished on the back side as well. They have not been edged or the ends punched. Let me know if you would like some pictures... Thanks again, cheryl
  19. Unfortunately we are going out of business to to a health issue in the family. Hubby is going to need surgery and will be off work some 4 months or more so we need to raise some $$ as quickly as possible. I have listed our Cobra Class 4 machine if anyone is interested in it. I also have the following for sale. If you would like pictures please send me a message. 1. 1 1/2" NEW Master Tools x Weaver Leather Concho Cutter - $69.00 2. 3" X 4 3/4" Leather Cross Shape Cutter $49.00 3. Wood handled Edgers #3, #5 4. 5/8" Bridle Buckles 5 1/2" Bridle Buckles 6 3/4" Bridle Buckles 7. 1" Bridle Buckles 8. Assorted sizes of heavy duty snaps for harness hold back straps 5/8" & 3/4" 9. One ear sliding headstall hardware (weaver) 10 Assorted sizes of leather Conchos 11. Bright silver pico berry conchos 12 Assorted sizes & colors of flat back Swarkoski Crystal rhinestones. 13. Heavy harness leather straps 5/8" & some 3/4" (russet ) 14 Heavy harness leather reins (uncut & unfinished) 15 assorted sizes O-Rings, & halter hardware Scrap harness leather Scrap 9oz tooling leather Scrap Black & White & Brindle Hair on Cowhide Partial side light weight chap leather 4" Leather splitter 2 T Jack Drimmel w/ attachment kit 12 T Press I have a few hand tools leavt. but a big kit is on eBay right now. Thanks for looking!
  20. We are going out of business and would like to sell our like new, Cobra Class 4 (dream Machine) that was purchased from Cobra Steve a year or so ago. It has seen light use following purchase and it comes will all accessories as listed on Cobra Steves website!. I will also throw in 4 large spools of nylon thread in sizes 277 and 207. (black & brown, white & natural). For shipping purposes we live in Tonganoxie, KS. I would also be willing to deliver this machine for an extra fee. Asking - $2000.00 but are open to reasonable offers. If you have any questions, please call me (cheryl) at " nine one three, four one six, zero three two eight " or contact me via the forums. Thanks!
  21. This machine is sold. Thanks for your interest.
  22. I have a Juki LU 1508-NH I would like to sell. It has been used lightly for less than a year. It will sew leather up to 3/8", webbing, canvas, tarps and more.. It comes complete with the machine, a stand with built in light. Parts book, user manual, x-tra bobbins, thread etc. etc. etc. I paid over 2600.00 for this machine less than a year ago, I'm asking $1800 OBO I cannot ship this, so buyer must pick it up. Its a very heavy machine. If interested or have questions, please send me an email cryan2003@gmail.com or message me. Thanks for your interest. Edited to add: Please forgive the crude, makeshift sewing guage in the pic's, its worked great for me though.. LOL
  23. Hi Shirley T Thanks. The leather I used to make the bridle is Herman Oak Heavy Harness. Its roughly 13/15 oz. Its probably to heavy for bridles and such and more suitable for reins. Cheryl
  24. Thanks Bruce!! I'll definately skive the turnbacks on this as I agree with them being to thick and its a visual thing for me too. I was gonna try to do the bleed knot but wasn't sure how to do it. I played with one on a another concho, but it didnt turn out right so I leavt it until I got it figured out!. Thanks for describing how to do it! BTW - I hand rubbed the edges on this after I used the #2 edger on top & bottom. Do you normally hand rub edges on bridles to? The reins came out great after hand rubbing. Thanks Cheryl
  25. Hi Karl, Thats a cute little saddle!! Is it fully functional or is it more for deco? You did a great job on it!! Cheryl
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