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About ruthless

  • Birthday August 17

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    Referred by Kanga

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  1. My handy husband figured it out :D
  2. I'm also looking for a supplier of modern, good quality, watch faces. Any suggestions?
  3. Not that I have any issue with Tandy. I'm just wondering if there are any other designs out there!
  4. I just googled those and they're made with several strands, yeah? We only use bridle leather, it wouldn't work, would it?
  5. Thank you so much, that's really great help Apart from those three, are there any other ways of braiding a leash?
  6. Do you know what it's called so I can find instructions on how to do it?
  7. I don't think any of them are a magic /secret braid, are they???
  8. We're going to be selling three different widths of dog lead and I'd like them all to have a different style of braiding. So far we have these two, are there any other ways? Strength is really important. I found these online, but I can't find any other photos and I can't figure out how they're done. Does anyone know? Is it strong?
  9. Paint stripper did the trick, thanks
  10. The 1.5" buckles we're using on our collars have a coating on them which is preventing them from oxidising. All the other bits are aging nicely, but the buckle stands out because it stays looking new and shiny. We have a liquid for dipping things in to oxidise them, but the buckle doesn't react. It seems to be coated with something. Sanding it off is an option, but I'd rather not have to! Would paint stripper work? Or something else? I don't have a picture of the buckle handy, but it's the 718 SB 1.5" on p82 of the Weaver catalog. Thanks
  11. Yeah, it's pretty firm. I can send you a small sample if you want? Although Birdsalls probably would too. I'm still not 100% clear on the skiving though. If I buy a side of leather that's 3mm thick is it stronger than skiving a 6mm piece down to 3mm?
  12. Thanks Tony, it's not the kind I'm looking for though. The outside bars [for want of a better word] are thicker than the one I'm looking for. I think the one on the left is your one. I want the one on the right. Birdsalls used to stock it but they don't anymore.
  13. Yeah, Wickett and Craig sides from Birdsalls.
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