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Everything posted by Eager2Learn

  1. Saddle soap. Soap makes things clean.
  2. Wouldn't this be a better match for the Business & Estate section? This subforum is for individual machines.
  3. Include a price, please, per Marketplace rules. $50? $500k? Please don't make everyone ask you for the information that every single person would want to know.
  4. Include a price, please, per Marketplace rules. $50? $500k? Please don't make everyone ask you for the information that every single person would want to know.
  5. Include a price, please, per Marketplace rules. $50? $500k? Please don't make everyone ask you for the information that every single person would want to know.
  6. Put a price please, per Marketplace rules. $50? $500k? Please don't make everyone have to ask you for the information that every single person would want to know.
  7. Why is this posted in "Wanted" when you are trying to sell? Post in the correct section to get more attention.
  8. Check Ebay. I have seen overstocks there many times.
  9. Just clean your project with saddle soap when you are done. Soap makes things clean.
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