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  1. Thanks Bruce and Art. I guess what I have is Rice nylon. When I bought it from Tippmann they said all of their thread was Rice thread. It works well but since it's all I have used I have nothing to compare it to. I have read that the poly is more abrasion resistant and does not have as much stretch. I may try some just to say I tried it.
  2. After seeing the other posts about the coats bonded poly thread, I thought I might try it. The only thread I have ever used with the boss is the bonded nylon that they sell. I was told that it is pre lubricated with silicone. Is the coats bonded poly thread that ferdco sells pre-lubed? My boss does not have any kind of lube pot. Also what is the purpose of using a smaller thread on the bottom? I make holsters using #277 on the top and bottom. Would #207 be better to use on the bottom? Thanks for any advise you could give me.
  3. I went ahead and ordered $50.00 worth from dot direct. I paid the $10.00 for the Ohio Travel Bag cataog. It states that the minimum on your first order is $75.00 and $30.00 on all orders after that. I guess I should have called them to see if I could get around it. Thanks.
  4. Thank you Art. That is what I needed.
  5. Where can I get these? Most places I've checked only have nickel plated steel. I found them at Ohio Travel bag, but they require a $75.00 minimum for your first order.
  6. Tippmann sells them too. www.Tippmannindustrial.com
  7. Thanks everyone for your advise. I think I will buy a side when I run out of the leather I have. 10 sides are a bit much for me right now. I fold over an sew the belt loop to the back of the holster. This is where a rough looking flesh looks cheap to me. I have used gum tragacanth to smooth this area and it looks pretty good, but I don't know how it will look with lots of use.
  8. Thanks Art and Johanna. I appreciate your time and help.
  9. I'm new to holster making and leather work in general. I have been buying 9/10 oz double shoulders. I have gotten nice ones from Zack White's in the past, listed as #1 domestic, but they say they are unavailable now. The ones they have now are called premium imported with clean pasted backs. Has anyone used these? I have also used the Tandy #1 live oak, but the ones I've seen lately have very "nappy" backs. I emailed Hidecrafters and they told me they no longer sell double shoulders because there aren't any amercan tanneries producing them and the imports are poor quality. They also saide they didn't recommend the Tandy shoulders. If anyone has used the Zack Whites, or the tandy please let me know how they worked, or if you can recommend something else please let me know. Thanks so much.
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